Sunday, May 29, 2022

More Rules for Thee, But NOT for Me...


  1. (((Thought Criminal)))May 29, 2022 at 2:39 PM

    Fortunately you can usually identify a cocksucking ass goblin in the wild by their distinctive lisp and Bernie Sanders stickers on their cars. We can hope Subway and Jimmy John's sends employees with lisps home if their hands start looking like festering bags of pus ready to soak your Turkey Club with their special biohazard sauce, but we really need to take proactive measures and round up anyone that owns a Maroon 5 CD or keeps fern plants in their house. And that might not be enough because some men who have sex with men will try to tell you that one man or the other is not a man but rather a transgender. Dudes like Rachel Maddow and Caitlyn Jenner and other men with gender dysphoria that are probably coprophagically transmitting monkey pox into each other's throats.

  2. Cite one credible news story about even one person contracting any kind of virus via a sub sandwich shop. I say what you posted is total nonsense fueled by your homophobic delusions. Also, Rachel Maddow was born female and therefore not a "dude". Caitlyn Jenner is a moron, though my criticism of her is due to her politics, not hate for her due to her decision to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

    You can "correct" me and say the pronouns I should be using for Jenner are him/his, but you can go f*ck yourself. I am not going to go along with your hate.

  3. (((Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 3:46 AM

    making your food.

    Why would you misgender men like Rachel Maddow and Caitlyn Jenner? It's not like you would date them and their poo-stained fingers anyway.

  4. You lie. The article is titled "Officials investigating third death in hepatitis A outbreak traced to restaurant", NOT "Officials investigating third death in hepatitis A outbreak traced to gay restaurant worker". Who has hepatitis A and spread it is not mentioned in the article.

    "CDC has traced hepatitis weapon to feces-eating homosexuals" does not link to an article with that title.

  5. (((Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 8:40 AM

    Exactly. Why would they need to reveal the sexuality of the ass-to-mouth shitsucker that caused an outbreak of Hepatitis-A when we already know the ingestion of fecal matter during gay sex is the primary vector of how Hepatitis-A infections begin.

    Some turd churning faggot obviously worked in that kitchen, touching a lot of people's food with his special biohazard sauce.

  6. (((Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 8:42 AM

    Oh noes it's hateful to identify dookie divers as biohazardous waste! You bigot!

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 9:06 AM

    Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person accidentally swallows fecal matter (stool)—even in really small amounts—that has the Hepatitis A virus in it. The virus can be spread through contact with objects, food, or drinks contaminated by the feces, or stool, of a person who has the virus. Among gay and bisexual men, Hepatitis A can be spread through sexual activity or contact with fingers or objects that have the virus on it.

    So, was the restaurant serving shit right out of the toilet, or was there a lispy shit-tainted rectum ranger there touching all the food?

    The latter, obviously.

    Now, I don't begrudge people or the novel things they like to do with each other's genitalia in their spare time, but the honor system that asks homosexuals not to donate their disgusting biohazardous blood to the Red Cross needs to be expanded to allow employers in industries where direct and indirect contact with normal human beings is possible to discriminate in employment against biohazards. Maybe a compromise is possible if we can tattoo *EXTREME DISEASE RISK* on their foreheads. In English and Spanish.

  8. (((Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 9:10 AM

    You are a sick bigot.

    I'm not sick. I very healthily avoid exotic disease vectors like shit-slurpin' homos.

  9. ((!Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 9:15 AM

    It's not rude or even outrageous to ask a restaurant manager to make sure there are no faggots handling your food and drinks. Call the Health Department if you have to.

  10. (((Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 9:25 AM

    So... are you going to shake hands with some faggot with monkey pox? Let him make you a sandwich?

  11. You have a lot to say regarding your hate for gay men. Are those excerpts from your manifesto? Should I report you to the FBI as a potential spree killer who is about to shoot up a sandwich shop to kill disease spreading "faggots"?

  12. (((Throught Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 8:34 PM

    And get biohazardous faggot blood everywhere? Are you not paying attention?

  13. There is a bigot-off going on here. Who hates gay men the most. Minus versus Beamish. I say Beamish wins.

  14. (((Thought Criminal)))June 1, 2022 at 6:28 AM

    You asked for "one credible news story about even one person contracting any kind of virus via a sub sandwich shop." I provided a news story about 13 such persons, three of which have died, all from a disease (Hepatitis A) that I also cited CDC information that clearly identifies faggot shit-slurpin' behavior as the primary vector of infection and spread of the virus.

    I overkilled fulfilling your request by 1300%, and now you're back to calling me a bigot for accurately describing the biohazardous risks of homosexual activity. Two men going ass-to-mouth with each other's shit and blood covered dicks spreads Hepatitis A, among other diseases.

    It is you that hates faggots for not being willing to talk about their disgusting deviances in vivid detail, as if being gay were simply harmless activities like listening to Donna Summer 45s or voting for Bernie Sanders. It is *YOU* that stifles gay people from openly discussing how they enjoy matting their pubic hair with feces and blood so they can smell each other.

  15. (((Thought Criminal)))June 1, 2022 at 6:38 AM

    So, again I ask. Would you let some faggot with monkey pox encrusted Hepatitis A tainted shit stained fingers make you a sandwich?

    Is that your favorite flavor? You don't have to date the guy, just show him you support his biohazardous lifestyle choices and eat his doo-doo sub sandwich.

  16. (((Thought Criminal)))June 1, 2022 at 6:41 AM

    Put your money where your mouth is. Don't just do the bump to the gay disco. Eat the doo-doo.

  17. (((Thought Criminal)))June 1, 2022 at 6:49 AM

    Those guys down in Texas a few years back that put a tow chain around a faggot and dragged him to death behind their truck? They got off lightly. They weren't even charged with littering and illegal dumping of hazardous waste. What's up with that? Clearly a missed opportunity for environmentalist and LGBTQ intersectionality.

  18. The 100 percent imaginary sandwich shop worker you describe would not be allowed to touch food. You are an enormous bigot. You go out of your way to prove you are.

  19. (((Thought Criminal)))June 2, 2022 at 9:07 AM

    Really? You're going to tell some shit-breathed jizz gargler that long as he's a biohazardous disease spreading faggot that he can't work in food service? Oh blessed day!

    Wait, no you won't. You'll scream at your betters to let him make sandwiches that you're too hypocritical to eat. You "support gay rights" at social distancing further than arms length, so they can't put their Hepatitis Hugs on you.

  20. (((Thought Criminal)))June 4, 2022 at 9:15 AM

    You were calling me a bigot before I even weighed in on the subject. What you have to say in defense of disease-spreading shit swishers isn't particularly meaningful or interesting.

  21. I haven't said anything in defense of "disease-spreading shit swishers". I have only spoken against your bigotry and extreme homophobia.

  22. (((Thought Criminal)))June 5, 2022 at 12:47 PM

    What "bigotry?" Homosexuals are disease-spreading shit swishers. I don't hate them. I just want them to avoid contact with normal human beings and especially the food and drinks of normal human beings. If they all wore hazmat suits with their own portable air supplies we would not have all these outbreaks of weird epidemics brought to the gay community by monkey fuckers.
