Friday, April 1, 2022

This One Goes Out to Ron DeSantis and the Great State of Florida!


  1. Meh. Covid deaths per capita by state in Florida are no where near other places.

    DeSantis is still a little too Trump-adjacent for my tastes. He's squandered way too many opportunities to tell Trump voters to go to hell.

  2. Perhaps. But he's like Trump in the best sense. He fights.

  3. ...and I'm done with Milquetoast Republicans.

  4. As long as he chisels the tombstone on Trump's undue stranglehold of control over the Republican Party, I'm not fully inclined to dismiss him. We'll see. Republicans that are still stuck on stupid trying to relitigate Trump's landslide loss in 2020 without addressing the fact that his unpopularity nationally lost the House and Senate too need to be trounced harshly this year before 2024 rolls around. There are signs that Trump's endorsement will kill any candidacy. DeSantis will need to tell Trump to F off if he wants to run for President with any chance of winning. Biden may be a bad President, but he'll never be the worst President America will ever have. Trump locked that up.

  5. If you hate the most popular leader in the Republican Party, it would make sense to embrace the 2nd most popular leader, don't you think? There's a "reason" it's not Mike Pence or Marco Rubio.

  6. People aren't going to "turn out" for turncoats.

  7. They're not apt to do CPR on a zombie either.

  8. You're right about that. Larry Hogan should just hang it up before he embarrasses himself any further.

  9. Maybe the people who think the system is rigged should stay home. That'll show 'em.

  10. ...either that or storm the capitol! ;)

  11. Have enough of them signed on to 1000+% pay day loans and have nothing to lose by taking a bullet?

  12. More importantly, has the ungrateful Babbitt family reimbursed the government for cleaning up Ashli's blood? Paid back her payday loans?

  13. They didn't even send a thank you card to the cop that shot her for increasing their family's median IQ. That's just rude.

  14. How can Ashli Babbitt and her husband and their girlfriend promote conservative Christian menage-a-trois sex if Ashli is a corpse?

  15. Beamish and Minus = both turned on thinking about necrophilia.

  16. Sounds like a potential new-wing for the Democratic Party's big tent of perversions.

  17. The trans might object? What about trans-necrophile's?

  18. Nobody will object because the Democratic Party will never endorse this "new wing" you refer to. Anyway, necrophiles are a perfect fit for the republiturd party. Given your belief that silence equals consent. Dead people are pretty silent.

  19. The Republican Party is probably too anti-gay for the corpse-humping serial killer demographic.

  20. You think a man having sex with a dead woman is "gay"?

  21. Beamishderp = thinks a man having sex with a dead woman is gay.

  22. No, I think they're Democrats going to far to register voters.
