Saturday, April 16, 2022

Musical Elitism - White Supremacy or Just Faulty Theory?


  1. We are the priests of the temples of Syrinx. Our great computers full out hallowed halls.

  2. My computer isn't so great.... Damn auto-corrupt

    We are the priests of the temples of Syrinx. Our great computers fill our hallowed halls.

  3. Do you listen to much "classical", beamish? Just curious.

  4. Play an instrument in high school? I played guitar. My dad made my brother and I take lessons when we lived in Spain. We became self-taught after that.

  5. I played drums, and would still if not for unrelated carpal tunnel damage. I can still program a drum machine.

    As for classical, dunta dunt-daa...Beethoven, plus all the Looney Tunes cartoon soundtracks. Classical music was more a "Dad" thing, although I'd sit with him and listen to his vinyl records of various composers and symphonies.

  6. I played drums, and would still if not for unrelated carpal tunnel damage. I can still program a drum machine.

    As for classical, dunta dunt-daa...Beethoven, plus all the Looney Tunes cartoon soundtracks. Classical music was more a "Dad" thing, although I'd sit with him and listen to his vinyl records of various composers and symphonies.

  7. Listen (with headphones) to Fly Like an Eagle by the Steve Miller Band, particularly to the drums. Those jazz fills are holy.

  8. Hitting stuff with sticks to produce rhythms is so satisfying ;)

  9. Lots of silence to fill with beats for a man with speedy hands...

    Yeah, my classical exposure was Looney Tunes, too, except for its influence in flamenco (with the footsteps of horses in the castinettes).

  10. That's art. To hand draw and sequence so many slightly different pictures and have the cartoon character move to the rhythm and notes of a symphony piece.

    Who doesn't watch the helicopter attack scene in Apocalypse Now with Ride of the Valkyries blaring and sing along with Elmer Fudd "Kill the Wabbit"

  11. Beethoven was the Johnny Rotten of his day? I doubt Franco would like the comparison.

  12. Franco hated a lot of music that I loved. We all have our "tastes" and reasons for disliking specific flavours and combinations of ingredients.

    Elmer could have had great singing career....

  13. Disco is gay. Let's go rock out to those long haired dudes wearing makeup and lipstick.
