Wednesday, April 13, 2022 least NOW the world respects Joe Biden... e-r-r-r-r-rp!


  1. Where were they pre-election? Epimetheus may be a Titan, but he's the "stupid" one.

  2. SNL skewered Biden plenty pre-election

    But even God would call it quits on trying to come up with a worse President than Donald Trump, so it was lowing hanging fruit to skewer Trump more.

  3. So Biden fantasizing Trump's death after hitting a "pause button" was "skewering Biden"? Wow. Your bar for heaping ridicule must trip marching ant colonies at its' highest setting.

  4. Making fun of Biden runs out of comedy fuel once the obvious "doddering senile old man that falls asleep mid-thought / mid-sentence" piss take is done. Stale well before Saudi Arabian TV retread it.

    Even Chevy Chase ran "Gerald Ford is a klutz" into the ground. The chicken can only cross the road so many times before no one cares why.

    I remember Trump trying to censor comedians that made fun of him, which made making fun of his fragile widdle ego even more hilarious.

  5. You can always buy a 200 pack of Chinese made "I did that" Biden stickers for the cost of two gallons of gasoline to vandalize gas station pumps until you get arrested. ;)

  6. Saudi Arabia Concluded Jared Kushner’s Investment Firm Was a Joke, Gave Him $2 Billion Anyway.

    Why? Because "Kushner defended MBS amid the murder of Saudi dissident (and U.S. resident) Jamal Khashoggi, and he reportedly urged Donald Trump to support the prince..."

    Why is Hunter Biden's imaginary laptop the bigger story?

  7. Every Senator and nearly every House member has a "charitable foundation". Every one of them also have a family. So how do we prevent them from selling us out to the highest foreign and/or domestic bidder, Dervy?

    What's your solution? Proclaim that only "republicans" doing so poses a problem?

  8. Proclaim that investigations are "off limits"... but only Democrats qualify for the protection of Gyges cloak?

  9. Isn't the cover-up "supposedly" worse than the crime (Watergate/Nixon)?

    THAT is why Hunter Biden's "laptop" is the story. It was ALL cover-up.

  10. Nobody pretended that the Trump kids weren't cashing in.

  11. MBS didn't give 2 billion to Jared Kushner's "charitable foundation", he gave it to his "investment firm" as a payoff for his support re the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

  12. SO is "transparency" a requirement we should only impose upon Republicans?

    The friends of Republicans?

    The family members of Republicans?

  13. I don't know wtf you're talking about. I've never said I opposed transparency except for republiturds. Clearly Democratic corruption angers you while republican corruption is (for you) something to cheer. Or at least look the other way regarding.

  14. THAT is why Hunter Biden's "laptop" is the story. It was ALL cover-up.

    That appears to be so. Even MSM stories refer to the imaginary laptop as if it were real. Coverup successful.

    IDK why you put "laptop" in quotes. Are you acknowledging it's a fact there never was a laptop?

  15. I have NO doubt as to the laptops authenticity. I never did.

  16. Every "conservative news outlet" has a laptop. They aren't sure which one is the real one.

  17. The FBI has it. They just don't seem to remember where they put it.

  18. If the FBI has it, it's evidence in a case they're building against Rudy Giuliani.

    Giving false evidence: Under Penal Code 132 PC, both the act of offering false evidence and that of preparing false evidence make up the crime. It is characterized by a criminal intent to knowingly present the evidence and also to prepare false evidence to be used in a legal proceeding.

    Each is classified as a felony and they carry serious consequences. presenting or preparing false evidence is an automatic felony. Escaping prison time will be almost near to impossible if you are found guilty.

  19. So we're done teasing Tucker Carlson about bragging to his droogies that he had the laptop when he never did?

  20. Now you have to sit in the Ludovico chair and watch Tucker make Cro-Magnon faces while the soundtrack plays "Sober" by Tool and "Liar" by Henry Rollins.

  21. Ain't secular scape-goating fun?

    Girard’s theory of victimization has a deep connection with the founding of culture and religion.64 s the group senses the calm and peace that follows from ridding the community of the scapegoat, it also tends to credit the victim for this renewed order and calm, a peacefulness highly prized in primitive cultures without other methods (such as laws or prohibitions) to constrain uncontrollable violence. Fascinated and awestruck, the community now regards the previously-perceived evil one as having sacred, godlike qualities. If sacred figures are deemed so because they have the ability to expel or externalize violence and pain, then the sacred must be a form of human violence. The mechanism that kicks in when pain or violence is too much for an individual or community is the unleashing of that violence onto a third party, thereby making a god of the scapegoated one since his being killed allowed the community to transcend violence. The community is captivated by this peace and set on preserving it somehow, most commonly repeated in the form of ritual—channeling the violence, preserving order, and al-lowing culture to develop. Cultures, then and now, live by human sacrifice “from the civic temples of ancient city states to the ritualized expulsion of the king every four or eight years by the process of elections.”65


    ...meanwhile we all keep "chewing on the stick"...

    The mid-century was also a time when ethologists were examining “redirected aggression”—the tendency for an animal to suffer pain and then pass that pain onto another. But this work too, as with displaced aggression, fell out of favor and has only recently seen a resur-gence. Barash describes studies of redirected aggression among rats repeatedly subjected to electric shocks.58 Upon autopsy, these rats show physical syndromes such as adreno-corticoid secretion, hypertension, ulcers, and the like—what sci-entists otherwise refer to as “subordination stress.” But when the rats are given a wooden stick to chew on in the midst of being shocked, it is as if their stress gets transferred to the stick, thereby reducing the rats’ subordination stress. Even better for the rat is the case where another rat is present in the same cage. This time, the shocked rat can redirect its stress onto the other rat and show the lowest amount of subordination stress of all three scenarios. And humans are no less likely to engage in this stress-induced displacement of aggression. Robert Sapolsky reminds us of what subordination stress looks like in human life:

    Consider how economic downturns increase rates of spousal and child abuse. Or consider a study of family violence and pro football. If the local team unexpectedly loses, spousal/partner violence by men increases 10 percent soon afterward (with no increase when the team won or was expected to lose). And as the stakes get higher, the pattern is exacerbated: a 13 percent increase after upsets when the team was in playoff contention, a 20 percent increase when the upset is by a rival. . . . Far too often, giving an ulcer helps avoid getting one.59

  22. ^^See feminism's Superbowl theory of violence above^^

  23. It's not the Rams' fault the Bengals couldn't keep Joe Burrow from getting sacked more often than a tackling dummy. Cincinnatian housewives should have tackled him too.

  24. "Scapegoating is the practice of singling out a person or group for unmerited blame and consequent negative treatment".

    I'm sure you're having fun joining in on the scapegoating of Hunter Biden, but I find it disgusting and bigly hypocritical. I say this as someone who is not a Hunter Biden fan. Yes, he traded on his family name to make money, but what the dotard spawn did is many magnitudes worse. Hunter Biden is NOT a member of his father's administration. His father didn't sign laws that benefited him or direct bailout money to him and his friends. Hunter Biden didn't receive a 2 BILLION dollar reward for running interference and downplaying the grisly murder of a journalist ordered by a authoritarian prince.

    I don't know wtf your movie clip has to do with the discussion. Maybe you linked to it because you're a fan of justice carried out by Democrats? I think most (if not all) the stars of that movie are strong Democrats who voted for HRC and then JRB. Maybe DJT will find his bank accounts drained soon. Though it will likely be by the authorities in regards to a judgement against him re his decades of tax fraud. And not because of a vigilante hack.

  25. That's obvious. redirected aggression”—the tendency for an animal to suffer pain and then pass that pain onto another.

  26. Far too often, giving an ulcer helps avoid getting one.

  27. Kinda like Deep State apologist John Durham. Thinks that throwing a few DNC Clinton supporters like Sussman under the bus will absolve the entire Deep State of political partisanship. What a maroon!

  28. You have to admire how the Neoliberal corporate globalists work... or I should probably say, collect "surplus values" from the "work of others".

  29. "Deep State apologist John Durham"? LOL. I guess you finally realize HRC won't be locked up. It only took you 5 years.

  30. ...yet you still expect DJT and/or his kids to get locked up?

    Unlike Russia, in DC, there's still honour amongst thieves.

  31. yet you still expect DJT and/or his kids to get locked up?

    I am in wait and see mode. They certainly should be. Their crimes are real, not imaginary. And very serious. AG Garland said he'd follow the facts where they lead in regards to arresting everyone involved in the insurrection. Garland, like Mueller might be too much of an institutionalist to do what's right, however. He was not the right choice for the position.

    It will surely be a bad signal to send if he isn't prosecuted. It will give the republiturds a green light to steal the election by any means necessary in 2024. I think it's more likely than not dotard donald will return to the White House in 2024 if he isn't prosecuted and convicted. And the reason won't be because a majority of voters want him to be president again. Why you continually push the J6 "star chamber" bullshit.

  32. LOL! You couldn't recognize real "white privilege" if someone shoved 8" of it up your ass a million times.

  33. As much as you hate globalism (maybe as much as I love it) we're in the Endgame. Ten years from now, globalism will not exist. The groundwork for a post-globalist world is being laid now. Russia is dying. The Chinese credit-based scam is going to implode and make the Enron scandal look like a Wile E. Coyote cartoon. America's economy will be the only one left standing. The next world order will also be an America-dominated one. No worries.

  34. If America froze building the US Navy and the global trade security it provides, it would take the rest of the world and their hobbled demographics and economic potentials some 300 years of dedicated and united effort to replace it.

    Talk of replacing the US Dollar as a world reserve currency is a farce.

  35. LOL! You couldn't recognize real "white privilege"...

    I did't say anything about White privilege in the comment you're responding to.

  36. Post-WWII American empire was a wrong turn. Europe's been rebuilt. Their old colonies are independent and self-sufficient.

    It's time to go home, Kilroy.

  37. It's demographics. In a few years, Russia won't have enough conscription-aged citizens to field a credible army. That's why they're lunging for Ukraine now, and finding out the 30 years of brain drain (skilled labor leaving Russia) makes their inadequacy even worse. China is a debt bomb waiting to go off, the Enron and WorldCom scams writ large. None of which will affect America much if at all.

    The world will beg for America to save them as they eat each other. We'll be laughing because there will be no one else for them to turn to for help.

    Globalists aren't stupid. America set up unipoly for a reason. Because no one else can.

  38. Shit gets real when America falls. We're not done birthing harlots yet ;)

    (Revelation 18)
