Saturday, March 12, 2022

Wars 'R Us!


  1. "Cut your oil production to make US exports profitable or we'll stop maintaining your planes to drop bombs on Houthi-adjacent people" - some orange guy

  2. "Okay you can ramp your production up and keep killing Houthi-adjacent people now that Russian oil is off the market." - some sleepy guy

    "And lose money? No." - some turbaned guy

  3. "I'd drill and pump more oil out of one of my leases but the price of oil isn't high enough to give my yacht a second helicopter pad" - some US oil executive guy in a suit

  4. "I saved his ass", President Trump said about the US outcry about Khashoggi's killing, according to ... [Bob] Woodward's book.

    "I was able to get Congress to leave him alone. I was able to get them to stop", Trump said.

    After Khashoggi's death set off outrage among US legislators from both parties, Trump bypassed Congress to sell roughly $8bn in precision-guided missiles and other high-tech weapons to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    Trump vetoed three resolutions passed by Congress rebuking him for the sale and blocked a War Powers Act resolution to end US military support for the UAE-and-Saudi-led war in Yemen :(

  5. ^^Wants to lose Saudi Arabian oil along with Russian oil and ban the extraction of American oil^^

    You might say he's just a "green believer"... with no contact w/ the real world.

  6. So, you posted the video to say "I agree with this"? I assumed otherwise. Guess I was wrong.

  7. Saudi Arabia needs to let us hang Pepsi and McDonald's advertisements on the sides of the Kabaa. Clearly they are not being pressured by the right people.

  8. 'F that, beamish. They should be inside and at the center of the Kabaa. They can put the stupid "rock" on top of it. For there is seldom manque at the center of a man-made holy of holies.

  9. They were subsumed in a hostile takeover by the Allah corporation.

  10. It all goes back to the Annunaki, in the post-Mahabharata War confusion.
