Saturday, March 19, 2022



  1. Trying to protect Canadian citizen from covid (the majority of which are in agreement with the implemented measures)... what a bastard!

    This just in... he won.

  2. Justin Trudeau's head superimposed over Leonardo DiCaprio's in the Revenant bear attack scene is a timeline? Who knew?

  3. A machine which allows more distant past events tosupercedes more recent events. Woo-Hoo!

  4. So if Roosevelt said that Hitler was a good guy in 1935, and a bad guy in 1945, I can now conclude in 2022 that Roosevelt would believe today that Hitler was a good guy.

  5. Canadians haven't changed their minds from largely supporting mandates to largely opposing mandates.

    Fact check: Strong majority of Canadians oppose convoy protests, poll after poll finds. 2/15/2022.

  6. Canadians haven't changed their minds from largely supporting mandates to largely opposing mandates.

    Fact check: Strong majority of Canadians oppose convoy protests, poll after poll finds. 2/15/2022.

  7. lol! from your link:

    "Do you think Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made you want to vote for him because of how he has dealt with the situation?"
    Sixteen percent of poll respondents answered yes,

  8. Also from the article I linked to...

    ...the poll tried to gauge how people's support for Trudeau was being affected by his handling of the protests. It asked respondents this rather confusing question: "Do you think Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made you want to vote for him because of how he has dealt with the situation?". Sixteen percent of poll respondents answered yes ... But that 16% clearly does not represent the entirety of the support for Trudeau.

    A voter who definitely intends to vote for Trudeau's Liberal Party in the next election could have answered no to this question if they were unhappy that Trudeau hadn't taken a harder line in trying to end the protests. And a voter who is considering voting Liberal for some other reason, say tax policy or housing policy, could have answered no to the question on the grounds that they don't plan to cast their vote "because of" anything related to the protests.

  9. Also, the question was about Trudeau, not about support for covid mandates by Canadians (which remains strong).

  10. It's cruel to force people to date men with Covid. What about social distancing?

  11. Go on the internet for more energy saving tips.

  12. I say we vote ourselves 3 minutes ahead of Canadian time.

  13. Not disruptive enough to the collective circadian rhythm. We should flip the time zones in winter and summer.

  14. I think the West Coast should wake up three hours before the East Coast for a while.

  15. I don't think I'll be checking in for those telecons.
