Monday, March 7, 2022

The Road to Totalitarianism Get's Another Brick or Two...

Jim Hoft, "Just In: Biden to Sign Executive Order to Regulate Cryptocurrency after Assault on Dollar
Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order on regulating cryptocurrency this week according to a report by Bloomberg based on anonymous sources. reported:
According to the report, “The order will direct federal agencies to examine potential regulatory changes, as well as the national security and economic impact of digital assets.”

The executive order will reportedly help coordinate the role of agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission on cryptocurrency. 
Industry actors have long complained that guidance from the SEC and other agencies has been unhelpful as they seek to be compliant with U.S. law.   The order has been around the proverbial corner for some time. Bloomberg initially projected back in January that it might get signed in February, while Yahoo Finance reported in mid-February that President Biden was “expected to issue an executive order next week.” That clearly didn’t happen.

Russia’s war on Ukraine has made the issue more pressing, as sanctions, central banking and cryptocurrency financing have been in the public consciousness. Instead of using military force, the United States and its allies have been fighting Russia with what the Financial Times has termed “financial warfare.” 


The Sea Island Summit has always been the DeceptiCon gathering of Wall Street elites to cloister themselves and plan a strategy to protect their interests from the base of republican voters.

The only people invited to the gathering are the self-described UniParty elites who view their power as a position to rule the proles.  The Tea Party and MAGA community have long been the pebble in the shoe of the Sea Island group.
Heck, this very website and discussion group exists as an outcome of accepting the intent of the DeceptiCon class and making a purposeful self-respecting decision to stop being a victim of their UniParty assembly.  Battered conservative, no more.

The American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum is hosted at Sea Island specifically for the purposes of planning how to manipulate registered Republican voters into supporting their agenda.

This year is no different.  Attendees include the customary cocktail class donors, Mitch McConnell DeceptiCons, Never Trumpers, child traffickers and sexploitation enablers like the Lincoln Project and many more corporate types.

The goal is always the same, protect the business operations in Washington DC at all costs.  With the 2022 election year upon us, and with the primary season starting soon, the GOPe wing of the UniParty must share and discuss their strategic defense initiatives.

People used to call this the “establishment” Republicans, but really, that’s too generic a word for what they do.  These are the deceptive elites – the lying, conniving, scheming bastards. They represent the vile pus at the bottom of a lanced boil from a rotting blue whale carcass that can stink an entire city.  They call themselves conservatives, hence “DeceptiCons” gets the specificity of their intent.

As noted in a CBS outline of attendees, the gathering is being led by Robert Doar, a vile-mannered Republican and beneficiary of Michael Bloomberg’s money.   From the Senate, Mitch McConnell will be joined by Senator Tim Scott (SC) a familiar attendee, Senator Susan Collins of Maine, and retiring Senator Rob Portman of Ohio.

The pontificating Jonah Goldberg will also be there to share his sanctimonious hatred of the unwashed masses, along with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey.  The very worst of GOP politicians, or more aptly, walking piles of toxic excrement unworthy of elevated status to useful manure status, will be in attendance.   Florida Senator Rick Scott and New York Congresswoman Elise Stephanik will also attend, likely to capture the open checkbook lunches.

Not a single Republican who has ever attended these Sea Island summits has ever held a position of value to the working class of the Republican Party.  Not one.  A few of the stealthier characters, those who duck down in the seats before they reach the security gates, have fooled the voters; however, as with all things conniving, their true nature always surfaces, eventually.
Mike Pence will likely attend (though he is not in the scant CBS outline), and you can bet the 2024 DeceptiCon approved candidate will be in the mix somewhere.  AEI tries to hide the political guest list because of websites like us who have caught on to the schemes (think splitter strategy).  However, if I were betting, I’d say names like Nikki Haley, Liz Cheney, John Thune, Joni Ernst and Kristi Noem will likely be behind the windows of the dark tinted SUV’s arriving late in the evening.

Seated in the Corinthian chairs will be the McConnell’s, Portman’s, Thune’s, Barrasso’s, Blunt’s, Bush’s, Cheney’s and more.  The GOP donors will be the typical who’s who of Wall Street with some tech and war industry folks blended in.

This year the White House is sending a team including Director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese (Deese is slated to appear in front of the World Forum audience on Friday, March 11).  It’s bipartisan, they say, but the underlying reality is one we have always noted.  There is only one UniParty bird in Washington DC, an always hungry vulture with two wings, Democrats and Republicans.

The Sea Island Summit 2022 will have the exact same purpose as Sea Island 2016.  Stop the influence of Donald Trump, and do whatever it takes to crush those pesky working class Tea Party and MAGA people.

The people who attend Sea Island don’t give a rat’s ass if it is their Democrats or their Republicans who retain power. What they cannot and will not tolerate, is a rise of power to benefit middle-America, the working class.  It has always been thus.


  1. Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your burger spatulas!

  2. You voting for Hogan next year? LOL!

  3. Nah. Just making fun of the Trumpenproletariat riffing Karl Marx.

  4. Comrade Trump needs better bait than "we paid the unemployed better."

  5. Ah, the Americans taking "communism doesn't work" as a personal challenge...

  6. The Road to Totalitarianism Get's Another Brick or Two...

    ... because who ever heard of the government regulating anything?

  7. If the road to totalitarianism is built with union labor it will come in over budget and full of maintenance issues ;)

  8. Because low pay motivates workers to do a better job?

  9. No, doing shitty work for high pay creates job security.

  10. With that attitude your boss must be glad you quit.

  11. So you support Regulating crypto-currencies, Dervy, or only the soon to be uniquely American variant that will replace printed money along with a ban on all "other" crypto's?

  12. We wouldn't want you donating funds to an "obnoxious" causes, after all.

  13. With that attitude your boss must be glad you quit.

    I'm not in the perpetual bridge repair business.

  14. Crime shouldn't be an option as the ultimate form of rebellion? So when the food supplies fail, just "starve". We know where you stand.

  15. This one goes out to beamish's arch-nemesis, Dervish Sanders...

  16. Food supplies have failed? Just eat your Glenn Beck survival food. Not being prepared doesn't give you the right to steal from people who are prepared. Also not sure what your non sequitur has to do with cryptocurrency crime. Though it is at odds with your prior super tough on crime comments.

  17. Has the left abandoned the ransomware argument that welfare payments prevent crime?

    same old song

    1. The Left has never made any "ransomware argument".

    2. The left doesn't call it that, obviously, but it's the same idea of social Democrats justifying welfare because "poverty causes crime." Pay the parasites or they will bite you.

      In fact, this was precisely Karl Marx's main criticism of social democrats. Kicking the thugs a little welfare took them off his revolutionary battlefield.

  18. I support ending welfare for the parasitic rich because it causes crime.

  19. Yoo-hoo, finally a Democrat against tuition subsidies for the revolutionary vanguard!

  20. Maybe, but I doubt it. I can't say because I don't know what you're talking about. I was referring to corporate welfare and a system that allows the very wealthy to get away with tax avoidance.

  21. What's wrong with being opposed to both corporate welfare and social welfare?

  22. We need to do a LOT more social welfare. Government exists to provide for the needs of The People. You might not care if people starve to death, die due to lack of medical attention, or freeze to death during the winter, but most people do. Including republicans. Most people have morals and are generally good. Unlike you.

  23. Government exists to provide for the needs of The People


    Government exists to segregate criminals from the general population and feed, house, and clothe them behind walls and 24/7 security so that the general population does not lynch them.

    Want free food, clothing, and shelter on the taxpayer's dime? Shoot a cop in the face. We'll even give you health care while you work on a law degree.

    There's plenty of worms, bugs, and birds to eat. But there's also easier work for better food. You don't need "social welfare." You need a kick in the ass.

    Fuck your "morals," slaver.

    1. You think tRump is "far left" because you're far FAR Right. FYI, the US will never be a libertarian nation, so there will only ever be a discussion about how much "slavery" we should have and NEVER a discussion about eliminating "slavery" all together. "Slavery" being (under your definition) taxes going toward social welfare programs (not actual slavery). Also not wage slavery, as libertarians fully support the theft of the fruits of the common man's labor by under paying him.

    2. The government can promote the general welfare as it says in the preamble mission statement of the Constitution. Providing the general welfare is well outside its charter. The government isn't the tool for that, thus the shitty job it does attempting it.

  24. "Our slaves till the land, do the coarse and hard labor on our roads and canals, sweep our streets, cook our food, brush our boots, wait on our tables, hold our horses, do all hard work, and fill all menial offices. Your freemen at the North do the same work and fill the same offices. The only difference is, we love our slaves, and we are ready to defend, assist and protect them; you hate and fear your white servants, and never fail, as a moral duty, to screw down their wages to the lowest, and to starve their families, if possible, as evidence of your thrift, economy and management—the only English and Yankee virtues."


    "Socialism proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associated labor. All these purposes, slavery fully and perfectly attains."


    "Socialism proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associated labor. All these purposes, slavery fully and perfectly attains."


    "No association, no efficient combination of labor can be effected till men give up their liberty of action and subject themselves to a common despotic head or ruler. This is slavery, and towards this socialism is moving."


    A Southern farm is beau idea of Communism; it is a joint concern, in which the slaves consume more than the master, of the coarse products, and is far happier, because although the concern may fail; he is always sure of a support."

    George Fitzhugh quotes. Fitzhugh was a socialist advocate of slavery, which he saw as Proudhon did that socialism and slavery were the same thing.

    Fitzhugh was no racist either, per se, because he advocated slavery for all races, including captured Union soldiers and Northern citizens in the Civil War.

    So, yeah, Derpy, shove your social welfare shit back up your ass. If you want slaves to care for, move to Haiti.

  25. I'm staying here. You can shove your libertarian shit back up your ass. The voters don't want it. LOL.

  26. Yes, the Democrats are quite envious of the heterogenous all-white Scandinavian social controls. Why is this a surprise?

  27. "Socialism proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associated labor. All these purposes, slavery fully and perfectly attains."

    Yeeeehaw! Clinton and Gore's gonna put pork cracklins in the cornbread if we pick 50 pounds of cotton each!

  28. Count me out. Neuropathy. Fingers ain't worth squat.

  29. So, people should be happy with imprisonment for being homeless (because they get 3 hots and a cot) but unhappy with the same minus the prison bars (because it's slavery)? Right...

  30. Wikipedia:George Fitzhugh was an American social theorist who ... argued that the negro "is but a grown up child" who needs the economic and social protections of slavery.

    Some historians consider Fitzhugh's worldview to be proto-fascist in its rejection of liberal values, defense of slavery, and perspectives toward race.

  31. Don Quixotes should be happy with their prison escape attempts. For as Isaiah Berlin once wrote in a letter to George Kennan... Certainly we do not detest this kind of destruction of liberty merely because it denies liberty of action; there is a far greater horror in depriving men of the very capacity for freedom--that is the real sin against the Holy Ghost. Everything else is bearable so long as the possibility of goodness--of a state of affairs in which men freely choose, disinterestedly seek ends for their own sake--is still open, however much suffering they may have gone through. Their souls are destroyed only when this is no longer possible. It is when the desire for choice is broken that what men do thereby loses all moral value, and actions lose all significance (in terms of good and evil) in their own eyes; that is what is meant by destroying people's self-respect, by turning them, in your words, into rags. This is the ultimate horror because in such a situation there are no worthwhile motives left: nothing is worth doing or avoiding, the reasons for existing are gone. We admire Don Quixote, if we do, because he has a pure-hearted desire to do what is good, and he is pathetic because he is mad and his attempts are ludicrous.

  32. Yet you would transfer all moral self-responsibilities to the state, and subsequently deprive him of any moral value of his own.


  33. Creating "moral hazards" for individuals is dervish's favorite past-time. Give them free food and education, for they should have no moral obligation to feed or educate either themselves or their families... for they are now to become "literal" and not "figurative" "slaves of the State".

  34. ...and deprive them of any Quixotic potential for creating myths of their own.

  35. go back to designing your bank restrictions for 'fiat' and 'virtual' money systems, dervish. We wouldn't wouldn't want to provide humanity with any means for people to "break the law".

  36. For all "moral" responsibilities should belong to the State, from here on...

  37. Humanities "existential vacuum" must become "all encompassing".

  38. ...not just a localized feature of some former WWII German Extermination camps.

  39. Universal Socialism, not merely National Socialism uber alles!

  40. Money must be controlled and then eliminated. It creates and allows for social distance that trsnforms social relationships into reciprocal relationships with other individuals. Whereas the proper relationship of the individual is to his master, the State.

  41. We must create a social Sartrian room with No Exits.

  42. Some historians consider Fitzhugh's worldview to be proto-fascist in its rejection of liberal values, defense of slavery, and perspectives toward race.

    In the same sense that Mussolini's communist newspaper days were proto-fascist, yes. Fitzhugh was sort of a compatibilist between Proudhon and Marx, leaning heavily into both to justify human slavery as the "answer" to capitalism.

  43. George Fitzhugh was an American social theorist who ... argued that the negro "is but a grown up child" who needs the economic and social protections of slavery.

    And this differs from the affirmative action, welfare distributing, critical race theorists how?

  44. Build a man a fire and you warm him for a night. Set a man on fire and you warm him for the rest of his life.

  45. It's just the "paternalism" of the "matriarchy" beamish. Saws and axes for their new "forest".

  46. Much of Fitzhugh's rants against capitalism were regurgitated by Marx.

  47. Fitzhugh even shocked his Confederate contemporaries by advocating emptying Northern towns of their whites and selling them into slavery lol

  48. What a very different Civil War that would have been...

  49. Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses. Proverbs 28:27.

  50. "And this differs from the affirmative action, welfare distributing, critical race theorists how?"

    A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro... MLK Jr.

  51. James Earl Ray broke out of prison to put him out of his misery.
