Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Joe Biden's Neoliberal Globalist 2014 Coup in Ukraine has now Officially Failed.

Names mentioned in video above in bold below:

from Wikipedia:
On 22 February 2014, Yulia Tymoshenko was released from prison and addressed more than 100,000 people on Independence Square.[240] The same day, Parliament appointed Arsen Avakov as acting interior minister.[241] Lawmakers also ousted Viktor Pshonka as general prosecutor of Ukraine in a no-confidence vote.[242]

On 23 February, the second day of national mourning, Parliament voted to abolish the law on language policies that had given the Russian, Romanian, and Hungarian languages the official status of regional languages in some areas.[3][243] However, this measure was later vetoed by the acting president, who said he would not sign the bill until new legislation protecting minority languages was developed.[244] The same day, Parliament dismissed Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara, Health Minister Raisa Bogatyrova, and Education Minister Dmytro Tabachnyk and nationalised Yanukovych's private estate Mezhyhirya.[3][245] Warrants were issued for former Incomes Minister Oleksandr Klymenko and former Prosecutor General Pshonka.[3] Parliament also passed amendments restoring its power to appoint and dismiss judges, which had belonged to the Supreme Council of Justice.[246]

Kyiv Metro became fully operational again, including the reopening of the Maidan Nezalezhnosti station, on 24 February.[247]

On 24 February, Parliament dismissed Social Policies Minister Natalia Korolevska and Culture Minister Leonid Novokhatko;[248] it also dismissed Ihor Sorkin as governor of the National Bank of Ukraine and replaced him with Stepan Kubiv.[249][250] The same day, it appointed Valentyn Nalyvaichenko as head of the Security Service of Ukraine after dismissing Oleksandr Yakymenko from the post.[251] Meanwhile, the leader of the Party of Regions faction, Oleksandr Yefremov, declared that the party was moving into the opposition.[252] Seventy-seven of its MPs had left the faction over the past few days.[252]

On Tuesday, 25 February, acting President Turchynov called for the formation of a national unity government by Thursday.[253] (Two days earlier, he had asked for the formation of such a government by Tuesday.[254]) Also on the 25th, Anatoliy Kinakh and 32 other deputies, mostly former Party of Regions members, created the Economic Development faction.[255][256]

On 26 February, Turchynov assumed the duties of the supreme commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.[257][258]

On 27 February 2014 the first Yatsenyuk government headed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk was formed.[259] The cabinet was formed as a coalition of the parties Batkivschyna, UDAR and Svoboda and the parliamentary factions Economic Development and Sovereign European Ukraine and other independent MPs.[

Eight years later, almost to the day, Russia invades to restore the original Ukrainian pre-coup order. 


  1. Reversing a "globalist coup" is a "travesty and assault on humanity"? Who knew?

    Was Ukraine's election rigged too? Is that how a Jewish globalist was elected president? So why are the Ukrainian people fighting back instead of greeting the Russian invaders as liberators?

    And why did Putin say he was invading to purge the Ukrainian government of Nazis and drug dealers?

  2. Why was there a civil war in two Ukrainian regions?

  3. True believers always get surly when a Putin puppet gets tossed out of office.

  4. donald tRump claims the invasion/liberation of Ukraine would not be happening if he were still predisent. Meaning the Nazi globalist drug dealers would still be in power (as per Minus and Putin) if donald was in charge. Ergo donald has declared that he stands with his fellow globalists.

  5. Nyet. As a palingenetic ultraglobalist, I object to your trying to put Trump in my camp.

  6. donald tRump claims the invasion/liberation of Ukraine would not be happening if he were still predisent.

    It started under Obama/Biden, continued during Trump, and now has redoubled under Biden again.

    Russia has never STOPPED invading Ukraine since the globalists started their trade war with Russia.

  7. I agree with you that donald tRump is an idiot. I don't know what trade war you're talking about.

  8. The most barbaric continent on Earth is Europe, which has had a war on its soil an average of every 20 years since Philip of Macedon. Longer than that if you count the prehistoric conflicts between Neanderthals and Denisovans. Peoples sophisticated enough to build ships and cross the Atlantic Ocean have largely bred out their hatreds of those of Denisovan descent once they taught the ones that walked across the Bering Strait some thousands of years prior how to speak American. One of the tragic facts of history is that Americanized humans have made no real effort to return to Europe and introduce them to Western Civilization. So, of course, we have to keep in mind that the Americanization of European Neanderthal-Denisovan crossbreeds hasn't even had 100 years to flourish. There's been over 50 wars in Europe since World War Two, as the savage peoples there have several hundred millenias worth of resistance to the very idea of forming a civilization. Have some historical patience. Remember that we too took half a million years to evolve into Americans.

  9. Do you see Dervy, as I do, in this quote?

    1883 s1:e10

    Elsa: “To survive the frontier you must learn to recognize those who won’t, and be wary of their doomed decisions. They are to be avoided at all cost, because their fear is tragedy’s closest cousin, and tragedy is contagious in this place.“

    Like all those silly Europeans buried on their journey to the American promised land...

  10. Other than your paradoxical pro-Trump anti-mercantilism I think we're at least in the same book, if not the same page. One of the things I detest about Trump is his zero-sum view of economics and tariffs (Mercantilism 101) that Biden won't dismantle. :P

  11. "You can police yourselves, or I can do it."

    The world chose Option B.

  12. Remember what the Greeks posted on the oracle at Delphi, beamish? Nothing to excess. Mercantilism to 'excess' is bad. Anti-Mercantilism to 'excess' is worse. There's a middle ground, somewhere, Finding it is impossible w/o some caritas for the other's arguments.

    I'd vote for an Oak tree if it could change the globalist course we're on, but absent one willing to try, I'll settle for Donald J. Trump.

  13. I could get on the globalist train if we could be honest about it and just take everyone else the 'f over and install governors loyal to us to rule in places like Iraq and Afghanistan (aka "colonies"). But we act like chumps instead. So 'f that. Globalism ala neocon republicans is for chumps. If I have to go fight a war in Iraq, I want 4 war brides, my own territory, and my choice of free US supplied weapons. I'll conquer the mf'ers, but I won't be a chump doing it for minimum wage until some idiot decides it's time to quit and go home.

  14. I'll conquer the mf'ers, but I won't be a chump doing it for minimum wage until some idiot decides it's time to quit and go home.

    Welcome to palingenetic ultraglobalism ;)

    It is our Manifest Destiny...

  15. I'll conquer the mf'ers, but I won't be a chump doing it for minimum wage until some idiot decides it's time to quit and go home.

    Welcome to palingenetic ultraglobalism ;)

    It is our Manifest Destiny...

  16. Unfortunately, our Senate is filled with greedy, yet spineless, snivelling virtue signaling douchebags...

  17. They're more interested in collecting "protection racket" money that conquering and ruling the "protectorates" directly.... the lazy b*stards!

  18. If we had leveled Moghadishu we wouldn't have to fight to get food to them

  19. Beamish believes we need to do much more to live up to the "Great Satan" honorific given to the US by those who hate us.
