Monday, March 14, 2022

Goldman Be What Goldman Do...

Biden Be What Biden Do?


  1. Critical Oligarch Theory?

    You really need to read The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Immanuel Goldstein

  2. Dervish, 2017 is calling. They want their President back. Are you trapped in there with him?

    ...Immanuel Goldstein, can we interrupt Dervy's extended 3 minutes of hate so that he can return to 2022 for a while?

  3. Lay your investments at the feet of the S&P 500 death cross. It will pay off in 200 days.

    You will learn to love Big Brother.

  4. All that extra money inflating the US economy must be staunched up by junk bonds.

    Russia is a write-off ;)

  5. We need to buy low-enriched uranium from Russia to keep our nuclear power plants going. Or God forbid supply ourselves from mines in Missouri...

  6. donald tRump is no longer predisent and therefore immune from criticism = not a thing.

  7. China should shut down a factory city for a week or so just to see what happens to the interdependent tech stocks ;)

  8. As per the tRump-loving Dore, Joe Biden is doing a war in Ukraine to get his poll numbers up. As opposed to reacting to Putin invading. So what would tRump have done, nothing? Would tRump explain how Putin is kicking out the globalists installed in Joe Biden's 2014 CIA coup, and therefore the invasion is a good thing?

  9. Wanna know what Joe's problem is Dervy? He lacks ambition.

  10. Did Trump ever act like he cared about poll numbers?

  11. Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore and Minus should be deported to Russia. The traitor donald tRump should be convicted of seditious conspiracy and sent to prison for 20 years. tRump spawn, Melania Knauss and Jared Kushner should be convicted of financial crimes and imprisoned as well. And all tRump, tRump spawn and Kushner assets should be seized.

  12. Minus must be very jelly of President Joe Biden. He isn't a moron, doesn't have dementia, doesn't crap his pants and isn't hated by a majority of Americans. Unlike the Orange Putin puppet he voted for. An orange Putin puppet who was defeated in a free and fair election. Free and fair except for the usual gop cheating (normal voter suppression) and extra cheating ordered by donald tRump (Dejoy usps sabotage).

  13. So, you're agreeing with me about donald tRump being super jelly of Barack Obama? For once we are on the same page.

  14. donald tRump is an stupid evil narcissistic racist fat orange turd. He was born rich but is going to end up bankrupt and behind bars. Also recorded in the history books as the US's worst president. Which of those qualities do you think make me "jealous"?

  15. I responded. Deleted or sent to spam again? I'm jealous of a stupid fat orange turd? If only I was as hated? I'd love to go down in the history books as the stupidest most corrupt president ever? Who attempted insurrection when The People had enough and voted bigly to give him the boot. Yeah, so jelly 🤮
