Thursday, February 17, 2022

Keep on Boosting...?


  1. Corminaty crop-dusters coming to a zone improvement plan code near you

  2. Don't inject yourself with Clorox. Pfizer's vaccine formula uses propolyne glycol, the main ingredient in Prestone anti-freeze.

  3. The acute clinical effects of propylene glycol poisoning are primarily central nervous system depression and lactic acidosis. Other effects include skin/soft tissue necrosis, cardiac dysrhythmias, hypotension, seizure, and hemolysis.

    We already know the long term side effects of continuously poisoning people.

  4. At least Olin, Montrose, Monsanto, etc. could be sued for the damages DDT caused.

  5. "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol as an additive that is generally recognized as safe for use in food".

  6. Why are the symptoms of propylene glycol poisoning a near match for the adverse side effects of the Covid vaccines?

    More importantly, is Corminaty safe to use in a GM radiator?

  7. If you flush your vehicle's radiator with Corminaty and leave the drain pan full and outside for stray dogs to drink, can you be charged with animal abuse even if only gives them myocarditis?

  8. Google: What Makes Antifreeze a Dangerous Chemical? A key ingredient found in most antifreeze is ethylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is highly toxic and affects the nervous system and kidneys. What's worse is that ethylene glycol has a sweet taste, so pets can easily be drawn to and ingest it.

    Google Search: difference "ethylene glycol" "propylene glycol"...

    The number one difference between the two glycols is that ethylene glycol is toxic and propylene glycol is not, allowing propylene glycol to be purchased as food grade in addition to the technical or industrial grade. ... 50% propylene glycol has a freezing point of -31°F, where 50% ethylene glycol freezes at -36°F.

  9. So roughly how many doses of the Covid vaccine can you get out of a gallon jug of Prestone?

  10. Who knew the cure for Covid was Russian tank radiator vodka?

  11. "So roughly how many doses of the Covid vaccine can you get out of a gallon jug of Prestone?"


    Beamish = Derp.

  12. The answer is about 15,467 doses of 0.3mL, each bypassing the digestive and renal systems to poison your muscle cells directly. Enough propylene glycol to kill around 10 people slowly within 48 hours, which is on par with the vaccined-to-death rate by total volume of antifreeze administered so far.

  13. The answer is zero doses. Nobody who received the vaccine was administered antifreeze.

  14. They were administered propylene glycol directly into an arm muscle in a volume that would never reach said arm muscle if 0.3mL of Prestone / Corminaty was passed through the digestive system.

  15. Shoot up 0.3mL of Prestone into your arm and tell us the difference then.

  16. Of course. It's Prestone plus some kind of RFID chip. But mostly Prestone.

  17. "Mostly" = 0 percent. Also, RFID chips aren't made that small.

    Quote: An RFID chip would be too big to fit in a vaccine syringe, "Even the smallest version of RFID chips are rather large such that none would ever fit into a vaccine needle — these are very small-bore needles" says Dr. Wilbur Chen from the University of Maryland.

    Re the topic of this post and the Minus FJ claim that Fauci is going to recommend unlimited boosters...

    Got a Covid Booster? You Probably Won't Need Another for a Long Time (2/21/2022). A flurry of new studies suggests that several parts of the immune system can mount a sustained, potent response to any coronavirus variant.

    As people across the world grapple with the prospect of living with the coronavirus for the foreseeable future, one question looms large: How soon before they need yet another shot?
    Not for many months, and perhaps not for years, according to a flurry of new studies. Three doses of a Covid vaccine — or even just two — are enough to protect most people from serious illness and death for a long time, the studies suggest.

    ...Although people over 65 or at high risk of illness may benefit from a fourth vaccine
    dose, it may be unnecessary for most people... Federal health officials have said they are not planning to recommend fourth doses anytime soon.

  18. Most unvaccinated people aren't at risk of dying from Covid either. So what exactly is the syphilis and antifreeze cocktail supposed to do that not getting vaccinated already does better?

  19. Nothing. Because such a "cocktail" doesn't exist. fyi, not getting vaccinated offers no protection at all. Not better protection.

    btw, "the number of COVID-19 deaths in the United States had reached over 959 thousand as of February 21, 2022. In the first year of the pandemic, the disease killed more people in the U.S. than influenza, strokes, suicides, and car crashes do in a typical year, combined, making it the third leading cause of death in 2020, behind heart disease and cancer".

    Anyone who would reject a free and safe vaccine (especially if they are high risk) is an idiot.

  20. By the numbers, very few people who get Covid, vaccinated or not, die from it. I'ce had Covid. It ain't fun, but like the overwhelming super-majority of people who have gotten Covid, it didn't kill me.

    Anyone who volunteers to get myocarditis and neuro-degenerative disorders to (maybe) stave off a disease that likely won't kill them or anyone else is a petri dish.
