Tuesday, February 1, 2022

40 Acres and 2,000 Mules...


  1. When I worked for AT&T they had A-GPS location tracking for cellphones down to an accuracy of a five foot radius depending on tower density, which wasn't hard in major cities where cell phone towers are everywhere. That was a good 10 to 15 years ago. 5G platforming has probably shrank that by now.


    Such tracking data isn't exactly publicly available, even more so post-Snowden. I'd be curious to see how D'Souza acquired it or if it's bunk theatrics like Mike Lindell's "cyber symposium."

    I'd wager it'll be bullshit vinaigrette.

  2. I can't comment. I have no idea where his "tracking data" came from. It does sound 'suspect'.

  3. Well, to pull that kind of data off a cell network's CRM without a name and phone number he'd need the phone's IMEI# and the SIM card ID#. I doubt any alleged Democrat ballot box stuffer is going to give that up, and telecom companies aren't going to release that to anyone without a law enforcement warrant.

    Another possibility, less accurate but viable, would be an app like Google location services or Waze collecting the data while secretly following said alleged ballot stuffer. That also stretches credulity.

  4. Someone could have driven point to point and turned over their Google locations data while claiming they "followed a ballot stuffer" - insert an ominous, detail-starved footage of someone putting ballots in a box (the teaser for the movie trailer) and voila... fake movie.

    Dinesh D'Souza's never done the fake movie thing before 🙄

  5. What's the source of the videos? Are they "reenactments"? D'Souza is a lying POS.

  6. Proof he's a lying POS... The video has now been removed. LOL 😆

  7. YouTube censorship has NOTHING to do with truth.

  8. I would have liked to see how D'Souza explains the stalking of alleged ballot stuffers, whether or not I shit on said explanation... My curiousity has an open mind lol

  9. I've seen a *potato gun" connected to an air compressor put a 30mm steel ball bearing through a cinder block wall lol

  10. It was an attempt to make Anton Chigurh's gun but with an automotive shop's air compressor...

  11. There's probably one needed in every Temple Grandin designed slaughterhouse...

  12. Fun fact... There wouldn't have been enough PSI in Chigurh's gun to do what it did in the movie with the rig he had ;)
