Saturday, January 15, 2022

Why Populations Stall in Corporate Capitalized Societies


  1. Women want security, companionship, and sexual gratification. It's just rare that they want those three things from the same person.

  2. Infidelity and adultery are common through all pay grades.

    Men hunt and gather, women shop.

  3. So, the answer to "Why Populations Stall in Corporate Capitalized Societies" is not enough misogyny, toxic masculinity and White male privilege? Can't say I believe less of these things wouldn't be good.

  4. I bet you're a bit at the battered women's shelter, Derpy.

  5. What social status does he have, beamish. He's about as attractive to the women in the shelter as the janitor is. He's got no "social status" discriminators.

  6. All male janitors are single? I say you're full of shit.

  7. Hmmm.....I dissent.

    No comment.

  8. He's a green grape in a red grape world...

  9. Sorry, Elizabeth. It's anecdotally something I've found to be true. Women want security, companionship, and sexual gratification. And come hell or high water, they will get all three, even if they have to outsource the labor.

  10. He doesn't believe that there are "alpha males" like Trump, either.

  11. Misogynists like Minus and Beamish like women who depend on men for security. It makes them much easier to control. As opposed to women who provide their own security.

  12. Derpy pays independent contractors so he doesn't have to provide health insurance.

  13. Minus likes donald tRump's toxic masculinity because a world in which his status as a White Male is diminished frightens him.

    That tRump is an "alpha male" is a facade. He wouldn't have accomplished anything in life if not for his father's wealth. He thinks (and says) he is a "self made man", but this is a lie. This gives him confidence, however. This unwarranted confidence paired with the fact that he is an a-hole fools stupid people.

  14. Meh. Trump's way too whiny to confuse with an alpha male. If he could get over his need to be validated by others he could grow up to be a Sigma

  15. When Trump "grabs them by the p*ssy"... it's because they've thrown themselves at him, not because he reached out and did it "against their will". This is the world of "social influencers" Dervy, where the "appearance" of "social status" is just as, if not more important than, ACTUAL wealth and status. Now leave me alone and go eat your "Travis Scott" burger. I've got Bachelor episodes to catch up on.

  16. btw - Does ANYONE follow your Instagram account, Dervy?

  17. Toxic masculinity isn't the problem, Dervy. "Hyper-real" female expectations is the problem.

  18. I gotta intervene here. Donald Trump never grabbed anyone by the pussy that he didn't pay up front and get a non-disclosure agreement from. He literally married three women whose careers were getting naked for money. That road was pre-paved.

  19. He carries nda's in his wallet instead of condoms...

  20. I gotta intervene here. Donald Trump never grabbed anyone by the pussy that he didn't pay up front...

    Trump Accuser: He Touched My Vagina... Kristen Anderson: "In the early 90s I was in New York city... I was at a club with my friends... I'm talking to my friend who I'm sitting across from... the person on my right, unbeknownst to me at the time was Donald Trump, put their hand up my skirt. He did touch my vagina through my underwear".

    He didn't even introduce himself, much less pay her or get her to sign an NDA.

  21. When Trump "grabs them by the p*ssy"... it's because they've thrown themselves at him, not because he reached out and did it "against their will".

    Bullshit. Even you acknowledge this. Why you place "against their will" in quotes. donald tRump is gross. Some women might throw themselves at him, others he has sexually assaulted. I think the second category is likely much larger.

  22. "... it was inconsequential and I brushed it off".

    Sounds serious Dervy. A failed "pass" 30 years later isn't "sexual assault". It's a "failed pass" that gave her every right to either slap the sh*t out of him for at the time, or call a cop, which she didn't.

  23. You really think Trump was a complete stranger that she wasn't fliting with?

  24. The call by the ref on the field at the time was "incomplete pass". You can't re-watch the game forty years later and now call it "intentional grounding".

  25. Sound like she was waiting for her stock to hit a sell point

  26. A sexual assault isn't a "pass". If you wrongly believe it is, you must also consider what Tara Reade says happened to her a "failed pass". And acknowledge that all your prior comments on the topic were disengious.

  27. Depending on the state or US territory these alleged sexual assaults took place, statutes of limitations shut the door on prosecuting them after 10 to 21 years. Looks like both Trump and Biden's accusers ran out the clock.

  28. They ran out the day the "assaultees" failed to file a police report.

  29. Minus articulates the misogynist view. The onus is 100 percent on the woman to stop sexual assaults and 0 percent on the man. Proven by the fact that he refers to sexual assault as a "failed pass". WHY so many women don't report these things.

    If someone broke into your house and robbed you (and you knew who it was and reported them) maybe you wouldn't call the cops... If you knew that (when you did) the cops would insist you invited the robber in and gave him your belongings willingly. And the cops (and some of your neighbors) said you were lying and making the accusations to get attention.

  30. Innocent until proven guilty is the bedrock of jurisprudence in America.

    These women didn't bring a case when it was timely to do so because they didn't have a case.

  31. Beamish: Interesting. But that would just mean Flynn, Manafort, and Stone's collusions with Russia were legally forgiven, not that they didn't happen.

    Interesting. donald tRump sexually assaulted women but got away with it... so that means the assaults never happened. As far as you are concerned. Flynn, Manafort and Stone were charged and convicted, so maybe that's what you hang your hat on. Yet tRump was never charged re his Russian collusion. Yet you have said he did collude. Isn't he innocent because he was never charged? Same as with the sexual assaults?

  32. He has unproven criminal allegations against him, yes.

  33. Unprosecuted isn't the same as unproven. There are reams of proof. Namely the Mueller report, the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report, and thousands of articles by investigative journalists. As well as what we've all seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears. Campaign finance law violations Michael Cohen went to prison for (with Dotard being "individual one"), The Dotard Tower Meeting, "Russia, if you're listening", The "perfect phone call" in which tRump tried to extort the president of Ukraine into colluding, etc.

  34. Trump is a mere FSB asset. Should have gone after Vladimir Putin.

  35. tRump is an innocent man. Or, he is as innocent of collusion as he is of being a serial sexual assaulter.

  36. Flinging accusations without evidence is just noise.

  37. False. Also irrelevant re the accusations against donald tRump.

  38. It was was put up or shut up time until it was not. At least the Big Lie Trumpanzees tried to go to court with their nonsense. Why not Trump's sexual assault accusers?

  39. Lawsuit? Weak. Where's the criminal complaint?

  40. The attitude that men getting away with sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape equals innocence (or means the victim consented) is evil. Though (in the view of misogynists like Beamish and Minus) it's probably evil I need to "get beyond".

  41. The world is unfair. Best get beyond it.

  42. Not at all. I have enough faith in the criminal justice system to wager that if these women had any evidence to back their accusations, especially against famous people, prosecutors would be chomping at the bit to get them convicted and jailed.

    The attitude that an accusation itself is incriminating is some Soviet totalitarian bullshit.

    1. There isn't "an accusation" against tRump. There are MANY accusations. And the world being unfair is great with Minus... Because it is unfair in his favor.

    2. Any accusations against Trump that would have standing in court?

    3. Any accusations against Trump that would have standing in court?

  43. Andrew Cuomo is the victim of "Soviet totalitarian bullshit"? None of his accusers immediately informed the police.

    Louis CK must also be innocent. Despite admitting he sexually harassed women by masturbating in front of multiple unwilling viewers. None of his accusers ever contacted the police. Maybe he is suffering from false memories?

  44. The Orange Turd and boofing Brett are both serial sexual assaulters. Even if they have both convinced themselves that their many accusers are all liars. But I doubt that is the case.

  45. So, what you're saying is that Tara Reade suffers from a false memory? I can believe that. Not re donald tRump, though. There are too many accusers. If anything, tRump is falsely remembering he didn't do it.

  46. Glenn Beck's false memory is that he realized the Orange Turd is awesome. When he initially (corrected) believed he is horrible. What really happened is that Beck realized there was a lot of money to be made by setting aside his integrity.

  47. I have a feeling that most of those Ed Endo posts at your blogs are false memories...

  48. This guy thinks Glenn Beck had integrity to set aside

  49. Beck was close to having integrity but decided he'd rather sell out.
