Friday, January 28, 2022

Surprising Most Popular National Political Figure in the USA Today...


...Donald J. Trump!


  1. "In a Trump versus Biden rematch, Trump receives 33% to Biden's 43%, with 16% preferring someone else and 6% saying they would not vote. The survey was conducted Jan. 10-21, 2022, interviewing 1000 adults nationwide, with a margin of error of +/-4 percentage points" :P

    Clicked your link. I see a list of articles. No poll. Not that I care what the biased RCP has to say about the horrible Orange Turd's popularity.

    "...less well known is how Real Clear Politics and its affiliated websites have taken a rightward, aggressively pro-Trump turn over the last four years as donations to its affiliated nonprofit have soared. Large quantities of those funds came through two entities that wealthy conservatives use to give money without revealing their identities :P

  2. RCPs chart is an average of polls, not a single cherry-picked and heavily "weighted" (aka faked) one.

  3. FiveThirtyEight averages polls. They say Biden is more popular than tRump. 41.8 versus 38.6.

  4. ...that doesn't omit polls on the basis of perceived ideology.

  5. I've found that Rasmussen Reports usually has the more accurate polling results, I'd anyone cares.

  6. Because they survey everybody rather than just self-identified partisan Democrats?

  7. 38.6 percent of "self-identified partisan Democrats" don't have a positive view of the horrible Orange Turd.

  8. Why wouldn't they? Donald Trump has worked tirelessly to get Republicans out of positions of power at the national level.

  9. So... It must be your opinion that, if the Orange Turd runs for a second term, Joe Biden is assured a second term. btw, I don't think that is what the pollsters are asking... "Is your opinion of tRump positive, in that you think he is so bad that his being on the political stage will help Democrats".

  10. If Trump runs again (and remember being in prison didn't stop Lyndon LaRouche from running) whoever the Dems put up will win. But what I was referring to was Trump's masterwork of giving the House, Senate, and Presidency to Democrats.

  11. ...and they did so much for the poor and oppressed with it... e-r-r-r-rp!

  12. Well, no one's going to be drafted to help Russia fight NATO. It's the small things.

  13. "...they did so much for the poor and oppressed with it".


  14. lol! Touting tax breaks now? You're sound more like a Republican every day.

  15. I wonder if that cancels out the cost of living increases baked into the Trump-Biden tariff stupidity.

  16. republicans hate kids unless they are "unborn".

  17. Democrats favor aborting as many black babies as humanly possible.

  18. Democrats support a woman's right to choose. If mothers didn't have to worry about their children growing up in poverty many mothers might make a different choice. That being the case, where is the stand-alone bill extending the child tax credit that will pass easily with many republican votes?

  19. That's the great thing about Democrats, beamish. We don't have to be bothered with killing the poor ourselves. The Democrats will whisper lies into the ears of the poor that will convince them that it's better for them to kill their own children and themselves.

  20. What greater "Freedom" can you offer someone greater than killing your own unborn child? No consequences. No guilt.

  21. The "pro-life" party has become the party of death: New research on why Republicans hate poor and sick people. New data and the health care debate reveal how Republicans feel about poor people who get sick: They deserve it.

    The right shouts lies that kill. Lies about vaccinations only being the most current lie that's killing people.

    gop = racist death cult.

  22. I wonder if the author of that article, Chauncey de Vega, worked hard to get a position to write articles for Salon or if they drew his name out of a hat.

  23. Is he going to have to write more articles or starve to death?

  24. Hmmm. Looks like his CV shows he finished college and worked to get where he is. Weird, huh?

  25. It's almost as if he bought into the Horatio Alger method he calls a myth lol

  26. No, Chauncey de Vega does not believe in the Horatio Alger myth. Not everyone who works hard gets ahead. A lot of poor people work very hard yet remain poor. Some people who work hard, catch a break, and get ahead. He didn't say nobody who works hard ever gets ahead.

  27. So how did he get a gig at Salon instead of you?

  28. Did he catch an affirmative action break? He's not exactly Christopher Hitchens level talent, you know.

  29. So what you're saying is that I, a superior White person, lost out on a high paying writing job working for Salon because of Affirmative Action? The job would have went to me despite the fact that I've never persued a career as a professional writer and I've never applied for a job at Salon? I'm outraged.

  30. Looks like he Horatio Algier'ed a gig at Salon to me.

    What you're wanting with your "worked hard yet stayed poor" construction is a participation trophy. Pushing a stone up a hill all day only to have it roll back down on you because you're a retard like Sissyphus that was too lazy to level the hill with a shovel.

  31. ...or bust the stone into smaller pieces that you could carry.

  32. "Oh noes the superior white gods in the sky have cursed my less than average IQ with menial labors"

  33. Because of the pandemic we found out that people who do menial labor jobs are "essential workers". Time to raise the minimum wage and pay essential workers the wages they deserve.

  34. ...Then fire their asses once the pandemic's over and replace them with autonomous robot quadcopters.

  35. "Accept lower wages or we'll give your job to a robot".


    "Accept lower wages or we'll give your job to a foreign worker".

    Why do you like the first threat but not the second?

  36. Accept lower wages or we'll give your job to a foreign robot.

  37. By ignoring my question you're confirming that your prior expressed support for tariffs (to protect American jobs) was BS. Clearly you hate blue collar American workers and want their wages pushed down as low as possible.
