Thursday, January 13, 2022

NPR - Government's Surrogate/ Substitute for Your Conscience...

...because you can't be trusted to maintain you own.
...and corporations need markets for fat people, too.

After all, Cultural Capitalism means never having to feel sorry for a purchase.


  1. Seems to me the only ones needed to be convinced I'm racist are the ones who keep saying it.

  2. Jane Goodall is talking to the wrong primates.

  3. Sounds like someone has been applying the non-existent principles of mass formation psychosis, aka "gas-lighting".

  4. Is that anything like "cultural hysteria?" I took some courses on that in college.

  5. Geography is racist because Africa has no coasts suitable for the development of seafaring civilizations...

  6. Big boats have to unload onto little boats and vice versa for much of African coasts because the water isn't deep enough for large ship ports. And the Nile is the only river on the continent suitable for trade traffic. Africa never developed because geography.

  7. Indeed. I had forgotten that Sowell did a video on that.

  8. Here's a geography question for you... How come there are no Amazons in the Amazon? Were they conquered by misogynists?

  9. Did you just assume the gender of misogynists?

  10. Did you just assume the gender of misogynists?

  11. Nope. I think I assumed their sex.

  12. If gender and sex are different things, why do trans people chop off their genitals lol

  13. ...cuz people don't have a "gender drive".

  14. ...doesn't that come as standard equipment in a Dodge Ram pickup?

  15. We need more cowboy shows in the Matrix once everyone has taken the blue pill.

  16. I haven't seen the neutered version of the Matrix.

  17. The Matrix needs more "battery' power from "clicks".

  18. The Matrix Reconstructed: middle aged video game designer has mid life crisis as new consoles use a programming language he didn't learn in school, must fight to keep his name on the package

  19. No worries, Microsoft will probably buy them out to fend off a new Play
    Station release from Sony...

  20. It's an itch and temptation. So I want to go see this movie to witness the train wreck myself?

  21. Beats me. I haven't seen it yet either... although I think I can get it on HBO Go...

  22. I didn't know both of the brothers are no longer a brother. Weird. Can you watch the movie knowing this?

  23. ...then it sounds like a pretty accurate reflection of our present society.

  24. Minus loves toxic masculinity because (he believes) men need it to protect their male privilege. Anything that diminishes his straight White Male privilege frightens him.

  25. lol! All my WM privilege comes from all the Karen's out there swimming in the hyper-real.

  26. I have vowed to never stop a leftist from accusing me of being racially superior.

  27.'s great don't even have to get out the horsewhip.

  28. Minus = a tucker swimming in the hyper un-real (tucker = male karen).

    No Leftist has ever accused Beamish of being racially superior. They accuse him of THINKING he is racially superior. The reason for his confusion? he's 100 percent convinced that he really is racially superior.

  29. False. Critical race theory explicitly premises that I as a white male am privileged and superior to minorities. Minorities couldn't possibly be oppressed by their inferiors. Ergo, I'm being accused of privilege and superiority.

    Affirmative action laws cement this thinking.

    No one but the left wants to teach children to regard minorities as helpless losers in need of assistance.

  30. "Minorities couldn't possibly be oppressed by their inferiors".

    As per the right, Unless you're inferior you can't be a victim. And if you're inferior you deserve to be a victim.

    How the right thinks it can maintain Straight White Male privilege. Or one of the strategies they think will work. Another would be stealing elections by not letting minorities vote. Or tossing their votes. Because, as Mitch McConnell said, Black people aren't Americans... so obviously they shouldn't have the same rights as White people.

  31. Sounds like the Denisovans haven't been fully bred out of your haplogroup, Derpy. Do you have Russian / Kazakhstani heritage? Look at your knuckles. Do you see skid marks?

  32. Sounds like the Denisovans haven't been fully bred out of your haplogroup, Derpy. Do you have Russian / Kazakhstani heritage? Look at your knuckles. Do you see skid marks?

  33. No and no... my answer. I don't know about the figment of your imagination you call "Derpy". His answers are probably both yes.
