Sunday, January 23, 2022

Donald J. Trump - America's First Post-Modern President for the MetaModern Age


  1. donald tRump = first president to serve time in prison.

  2. Just an off-topic note that my Rams are going to beat your 49ers next weekend for the NFC Championship and the home game Super Bowl :P

  3. Hey, its a win-win for me. I was an LA Ram fan up until '75 when I upgraded to SF. Deacon Jones, the Olsen brothers, Rosie Grier, Coy Bacon, Hacksaw Reynolds (who became a 9er) were all my heroes.

  4. Roman Gabriel... not so much. Defense wsa where the action was.

  5. As long as the Lombardi Trophy comes back to the NFC West where it belongs ;)

  6. Beamish is Stan Kroenke and Minus is John York?

  7. Kroenke just forked over half a billion dollars to St. Louis to save the NFL tens of billions to avoid the discovery process of how the NFL fraudulently allowed the Rams to move (back) to California. At least he bought his new stadium without putting taxpayers on the hook for it again.

  8. Until Kroenke puts Rams organization employees into California's workman's compensation insurance system, they're still the St. Louis Rams. Had the city not settled we could have possibly ended up owning every team in the NFL ;)

  9. I'm really looking forward to donald tRump being indicted, convicted, and sentenced to a long term behind bars.

  10. I can't argue against a desire to see Trump in the pokey.

    Maybe his supporters will finally get blicky and we can stack up more Ashli Babbitts.

  11. National Review: Will there be criminal charges that target the real 2016 collusion — not between the Trump campaign and Russia, but between the Clinton campaign and U.S. officials who abused government investigative powers for political purposes?

    Almost certainly not. (Article: Where John Durham's Investigation Is Heading).

    The National Review's "real 2016 collusion" is bullshit, but they are right about the criminal charges against HRC or anyone in the Obama Administration. There will be none.

  12. The circus will soon turn to whoever the intersectional gay black woman Biden nominates for the Supreme Court will be.

  13. President Biden will not nominate an intersectional gay black woman to the Supreme Court.

  14. Derpy got fired from the M&Ms factory for throwing away the E's and W's

  15. Are M&Ms a threat to White Male privilege? Apparently yes... Yet more stupidity to enrage the low IQ trumper.

  16. Antiracism is the very definition of bigotry and intolerance. It's your 'brand' now.

  17. Biden promised to nominate a black woman. She needs to be a midget amputee lesbian Satanist as well or the deal's off.

  18. James Clyburn would confirm there is no deal that involves Biden appointing an African American female midget amputee lesbian Satanist.

  19. Every category at PornHub needs representation

  20. I am in favor of expanding the court. Joe Biden should appoint 4 additional justices. One of the 4 should be an Asian woman.

  21. Why not just have everyone in the country vote directly on court cases, Dervy? You afraid someone would cheat the votes?

  22. ...of course, you'd charge the lictors with the vermillion rope with suppressing turnout...

  23. We're a nation of lawyers? Who knew? I don't remember earning a law degree.

  24. The justice system should be a game show like Running Man

  25. Over a thousand Athenians sentenced Socrates to hemlock, and none of them were lawyers.

  26. Are you sure? Dervy takes everything said absolutely "literally".

    As for corrupting the youth of Athens, there's no doubt that Socrates was certainly doing that. As for the charges of impiety, I have little doubt that he was guilty of those as well.

  27. As for proof, just look how Alcibiades turned out. There wasn't a herm in the city that was safe from him.

  28. Gotta love those discontents that are always tearing down and defacing statues/ monuments.

  29. White republicans want to erase history by banning books they think will make their kids feel bad by teaching them the facts regarding slavery and our long history of oppressing minorities.

  30. Why would telling them that their ancestors were always the bosses make them feel bad? Sounds to me like its teching everyone who's "superior"...

  31. and thusly teaching them who's "inferior."

    CRT needs to posit scientific racism's fallacies as truths, while attempting to erase that all of the scientific racism-based policies you can find in history emerged from leftist thinkers. Show them the rabbit hole and suddenly they don't want to go down it.

  32. Why would telling them that their ancestors were always the bosses make them feel bad?

    Because slavery is evil. Though probably not in your opinion.

  33. Minus comment = admits his belief and support for White Supremacy.
