Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The January 6th 'Insurrection' and other Leftist Projections...

...worthy of parody and yet wholly reliant upon the believability of faulty memories.
Now I have to ask myself, did Brett Kavanaugh ever make an unsuccessful pass at Christine Blasey Ford?  Probably.  But was it all part of some diabolical rape fraternity truly indicative of a dangerous and disturbing future "pattern of bahaviour" that rendered him unfit for high office?  Definitely not.

Is the first draft of history the most definitive version?  Not necessarily.  I'm sure it depends upon the emphasis that the teller placed upon the subjective impacts of the events.  The problem appears to enter in its' 'universalization' and attempts to use the events to support a greater, yet unrelated, narrative.


  1. Yeah. The Capitol police SWAT teams didn't go full auto Ashli Babbitt removal because they were afraid of shooting a leftist provocateur.

    You're getting better weed than me, FJ.

  2. I'm with Lindsey Graham (oddly enough) on this. This is why the Capitol police have guns, and they should have used them. Alot.

  3. On another note, I like Malcolm Gladwell's near hypnotic soft-spoken style, but I really need to hear him pissed off, ranting, and throwing beer bottles.

  4. Heh! Dr. Fauci should be someplace on this list of people on stupid pills.

  5. Fauci's stupidity lies in the false belief of his own intelligence. He's a textbook example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

  6. Dr. Fauci knows what he's doing. The only people upset with him *also* know what he's doing.

  7. A "universal vaccine" for the survivors of his human experiments?

  8. Most delusions that don't ever materialize later get recategorized as "white" lies, as the narrators feel that their "good intentions" outweigh any deceptions involved.

  9. I understand the Straussian "noble lie." Just waiting for the State Department to sit down with Covid and hammer out a peace treaty.

  10. If the end result is everyone is going to get infected by some variant of Covid that gives them herd immunity...?

  11. I went a good 6 years without getting sick at all, not even a cold, until my November - early December month long bout with Covid.

    But, I'm one of those psuedo-homeopathic food is medicine types. I eat hella fruits and nuts, avoid candy and chips.

  12. Crank up the spices (Cajun, Hunan, etc.) and make your blood too acidic for pathogens to swim in :)

  13. Sounds like you're an ancient Greek... :)

  14. None of my 4 ethnic backgrounds are really known for spicy foods... Scandinavian, Scottish, Irish, and Cherokee... No real mouth burners there.

    And Greek... They put olive oil on their olive oil... Bleh lol

  15. Yes? Have you ever eaten Greek cuisine? Olive oil all over everything. If you asked for a glass of olive oil they would ask you if you wanted a side of olive oil to go with it.

  16. NO to the Minus stupidity of calling boofing Brett's attempted rape of CBF an "unsuccessful pass". Also NO to the January 6 insurrection being a "Leftist projection".

    I wasn't replying to your comment about olive oil.
