Saturday, December 11, 2021

On the Ever Changing of Definitions by Democrats...


  1. Calling Jimmy Dore a Trumper is quite a definitional change

  2. Trumper=Anyone who doesn't support Biden

  3. I must confuse Derv being a never Trumper center rightist that finds some merit in a very small sunset of what Biden has done / not done so far.

  4. I only support Biden in so much as he's done nothing. There are some actions I would like him to take that I know he won't. But Republicans aren't going to round up January 6th insurrectionists and put them to death either. Equally distributed disappointment.

    1. Biden has done nothing only in your delusions. And Dore is a trumper because he supports tRump.

  5. What has Biden done besides piss Green New Dealers off?

  6. What has Biden done besides piss Green New Dealers off?

  7. Executed the largest vaccination plan in history, signed the American Rescue Plan, negotiating the Build Back Better legislation, reversed horrible Dotard Executive orders, rejoined Paris Accord, signed infrastructure bill, got us out of Afghanistan, etc, etc. Apparently in your delusions none of these things happened.

  8. My State Governor executed Maryland's vaccination plan.

  9. Like I said, "besides piss Green New Dealers off..."

    Each thing you listed are markedly center-right. AKA to the right of Trump.

    Has Biden done anything for the left?

  10. Psssst. How does the Build Back Better legislation go anywhere for manufacturing job creation without getting rid of the Trump-Biden tariff regime and re-embracing free trade (going right-wing?)

  11. Psssst. The US already exceeds Paris Accord requirements and is cutting greenhouse gas emissions faster than any other nation. Biden signed back on to an agreement the US was already more than complying with. (i.e., he did nothing).

  12. Biden signed an infrastructure bill stripped of all of its left-wing pie-in-the-sky social program giveaways. Doesn't that make him a Republican lol

  13. Biden helped install a terrorist regime in Afghanistan that is now starving it's population to death? Are you sure this is an accomplishment to praise?

    1. YOU pointed out that tRump surrendered to the Taliban. tRump installed the terrorist regime when he negotiated only with them and not the Afghanistan government.

    2. And Biden said Okie-Doke and flew out of Afghanistan dropping civilians from the sky.

    3. What were his alternatives? Send more troops? The Taliban would have begun attacking immediately. Biden showed true leadership and made the hard choice. We never should have occupied that country to begin with.

    4. Trump did his level best to embolden the Taliban for 3 years, true. But the US military never had trouble wiping out attacking Taliban forces before. The trouble has always been that they hid and wouldn't come out to play.

      Biden showed true leadership by following a Trump timetable?

  14. Rachel Madcow burned by changed definitions. The CDC is now just a government "service" bait and switch.
