Tuesday, December 14, 2021

How Credible Are Your State's Election Results?

See how your state stacks up!

Every citizen’s vote is sacred. The vote is how we guarantee that our government remains of the people, by the people, and for the people. Americans need and deserve elections that they can trust. Legitimate voters should be able to vote in privacy without being harassed, secure in the knowledge that their vote will not be lost, stolen, altered, or negated by a vote cast by an illegitimate voter. Americans need and deserve a transparent system in which fraud can be easily detected and false allegations of fraud can be easily dispelled. Americans need and deserve a system in which it is easy to vote and hard to cheat.

In order to help voters, state legislators, election officials, and all Americans who are interested in ensuring a fair and secure election process, The Heritage Foundation has published this Election Integrity Scorecard, which compares the election laws and regulations of each state and the District of Columbia that affect the security and integrity of the process to the Foundation’s best-practices recommendations.

The map pretty well explains just why Democrats seldom lose power in certain states... 


  1. Doesn't the map also "explain just why Republicans seldom lose power in certain states?"

    Or does the map (itself) really explain anything? I mean, Republicans win states that follow Heritage Foundation guidelines the most? Because they do? No Democrat dominant states have Heritage Foundation-legit elections? Seems facile.

    Why, for example, did perennially Republican states like Georgia and North Carolina swing Democrat after giving the worst President America will ever have, Donald Trump, a term in the White House? How did that dipshit lose the House in 2018, then lose the Senate and the White House in 2020? It was all fraudulent votes and not people turning on Trump's anti-conservative, anti-libertarian agendas wholesale across the board? How many Democrats did Cheeto Jesus vow to destroy at the polls vs. conservative and libertarian Republicans that wouldn't go along with his stupid on health care, NATO commitments and so on? How many reliably conservative and libertarian Republicans dropped out of national politics due to Trump's bullying tactics and Make America Irrelevant agenda?

    We live in the America Trump made. Ain't it great?

    No, Democrats aren't winning because of fraud or anything nefarious. Democrats are winning because Donald Trump destroyed the Republican Party.

  2. Democrats aren't, which is why they cheat.

  3. Facts rejected by people intent upon burying all evidence.

  4. What evidence? Got any that exists in the really real world? Of course you don't.

    People looked everywhere for what you flea market Rudy Guilianis and Sidney Powells and Mike Lindells keep claiming exists. Nothing was found. Nothing. As in not a god damned thing.

    The world will continue to leave you behind when you dare drop your charade and campaign for votes in 2022. Please remind me to mock you mercilessly.

  5. There's plenty of evidence, but not a court in the country brave enough to examines and/or weigh it.

    1. Bwhahahaha. Learn the difference between street Giuliani and courtroom Giuliani. When it came to court, all the times he made it into court, Guiliani stated he was not alleging fraud. He brought absolutely no case to court because he didn't have one. It takes no bravery whatsoever to dismiss a case with no merit with prejudice.

      Guiliani lost his law license and got ripped off by Trump for attorney's fees. Left drunk and confused by his farts not holding up in court.

      I wonder if Dominion will accept his bone marrow in lieu of the billion they're suing him for and probably will get. They could make an exclusive flavor of dog food from it for their pets.

  6. Pandora's ballot box is destined to remain closed until the next revolution succeeds in the streets.

  7. Taking Giuliani's law license simply highlights the fear in the hearts of the defenders of MASSIVE vote fraud.

  8. Because that's why they took his law license. Is your reality color by numbers or color by Fentanyl?

  9. Media bias/fact check re Heritage Foundation: leans Right. These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may ... publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

  10. Meh. The Heritage Foundation invented Obamacare. Fuggem.

  11. ...they stole it from Mitt Romney, your favorite (R).

  12. Obama, a moderate, thought he would get republican votes by going with the Romney health care plan.

  13. Nah, Romney's plan in Massachusetts is far more noxious than what the Heritage Foundation came up with. Obama just tweaked it with the goal of incrementally moving to single payer...

    You know, what the far left dingbat Donald Trump wants every other day you ask him.

  14. So Build Back Better with more expensive Chinese steel...

  15. Build moar cargo ships with unobtainium and imaginite
