Sunday, December 5, 2021

Always Remember...Democrats Are the party of Labour...NOT the Workers!


  1. "There is no one thing called the Democrat party"...

    He's right. There is no "Democrat party". So why does he go on and on about this imaginary party?

    At least tRump (who supposedly hates Bezos) raised taxes on Amazon. Or at least made sure they pay more than $0. Oh no, wait... he didn't.

  2. It's only imaginary in your head Dervy. Whatever helps you sustain your deNile...

  3. I have no "deNile" to sustain. I vote for the Democratic party. There is no "Democrat party".

  4. Democrats are members of the Democratic Party. There is no "Democrat Party".

  5. There is if you're speaking of the singular Democrat.

  6. ...and we ALL know that nothing could be further from the truth! ;p

  7. Always remember... republicans are the party of corporations and the wealthy... NOT the Workers!

  8. Until you look at which corporations finance the political parties and discover there isn't a party that isn't the party of corporations.

    A more interesting question for our sub-imbecilic friend Dervy would be which corporation doesn't have workers?

  9. Whoopsie

    The Democratic Party received the bulk of Wall Street's near $3 Billion in political donations.

    Yes, Donald Trump, the worst President America will ever have, was *that bad* for business.

    1. It's why I have little patience for Trump supporters who won't admit that they hate America and want to kill as many Americans as possible.

    2. Oh wow... President Biden just signed off on more domestic oil drilling contracts than Trump did in his first 3 years in office. Environmentally retarded people are outraged.

      Good boy.

    3. It didn't happen. That is according to you. You say Biden has done nothing.

  10. So tRump didn't bigly cut the corporate tax rate? Is it fake news that Amazon only paid 9.4 percent in 2020? As opposed to the lower Dotard rate of 21 percent?

    1. Trump's corporate tax cuts were well beyond more than wiped out by his tariff policies, which were the largest tax increase on American consumers from corporations on down to me and you ever in American history.

      Democrats *wish* they could tax the shit out of America like Trump did.

    2. Know Your Enemy

      All things considered, Trump didn't cut shit for taxes.

  11. tRump cut taxes on the people he wanted to cut taxes on. Dotard's tariffs must have hit Jeff Bezos hard. He likely questioned whether or not he could still afford to go to space.

  12. Joe Biden doesn't just cut taxes for people he wants to cut taxes on (UAW members)? Who knew?

  13. Musk is making fiscal conservative arguments that would get you kicked out of the Republican Party for being insufficiently Trump-fellating.

  14. Trump's tariffs hit America hard. They're still hitting America hard under Biden's "Keep Policy Trump" agenda.
