Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Democrats Addicted to COVID Fear Porn

...but can they extend their "Government Savior" vaccination political placebo gambit?


  1. Democrats are addicted to covid truths. trumptards are addicted to covid lies and keeping the pandemic going.

  2. The pandemic is over. Covid is endemic.

    That's the Covid "truth" you're missing.

  3. Now go watch the post-Covid episode of South Park on Paramount+

  4. You've been extremely eager to declare victory for quite some time.

  5. Harvard researchers have calculated how many unnecessary deaths the Trump administration left behind (excerpt). Professors at Harvard Medical School and the University of California at San Francisco looked at the numbers. They're gruesome. ... The report finds that the Trump administration's health policies resulted in 461,000 unnecessary U.S. deaths annually - in addition to 40% of America's COVID-19 deaths thus far, plus 22,000 avoidable deaths annually from environmental policies. The authors paint a damning picture of Trump politics, concluding that he purposely sought struggling white voters, and then backed policies that threatened their health...

    tRumpish kills people. Minus cheers the deaths.

  6. If I were a Harvard Researcher I'd be looking for ways of ending the pandemic in the present instead of looking to the past for ways to blame it on a former president and continuing to attribute count deaths to him.

  7. Of course. Because, given that Dotard may run in 2024, it isn't helpful for such damning facts to be out there.

    "Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it".

    You would love for us to repeat the Dotard mistake.

  8. btw, why, if you were a Harvard researcher, why would you be looking for a way to end the pandemic? Sounds like you admit to lying constantly. Re all the times in the past you have claimed it already is over.

    As for not "looking to the past for ways to blame it on a former president and continuing to attribute count deaths to him"... Why is it great to blame Joe Biden then?

  9. Because Joe Biden's leading this government created fiasco so that he can stuff the ballot box in 2022 with fake mail-in ballots.

  10. Fake = ballots not representative of a citizen's singular vote (aka NOT legitimate).

  11. If that were your genuine concern you would know Joe Biden legitimately won the election. Because such ballots have been proven to be statistically insignificant.

  12. People who benefit from and never look for fraud will never find it.

  13. How many innocent water towers must be shot in the name of fighting off the Martians?

  14. How many kids should we inject with experimental vaccines in the name of diseases that only kill old Geezers?

  15. People who benefit from fake fraud will find it wherever they look.

    We shouldn't inject anyone with experimental vaccines. Though I don't know why you bring this up. I'm guessing you think the covid vaccines are experimental. They aren't.

  16. Tell me that when the longer term health effects studies are complete and the original experiment period ends. Until at least July 2023, the vaccines are "experimental".

    1. Not sure what your native language is Derv but that document is in English and it clearly states the Pfizer vaccine is still in the experimental phase until July 30, 2023.

    2. They haven't even reached the "estimated primary completion date" of their experiment.

      Meanwhile, the Pfizer vaccine is some 41 times less effective against the Omicron variant.

      Let's turn everyone into a spike- protein farm. What could happen?

  17. Not sure what your native language is Beamish, but it does not say the Pfizer vaccine is still in the experimental phase. I read it. It definitely does not say that.

    1. Derv,

      You have this annoying habit of trying to project a facade of intellect when it's quite clear to all observers that you have not even the faintest clue what actually being intellectual feels like.

      The page describes the parameters of the experiments, the control groups, and the estimated completion dates of the various given phases of the experiment. A basic understanding of how calendar dates work will reveal to you that the experiment has not even reached its planned second phase.

      A catastrophic lack of English reading comprehension skills seems to have stymied you. There are no participation trophies here.

  18. lol! Did the vaccine YOU took belong to the category of "FDA Approved" or "Emergency Use Authorization." Because all the EUA's were "experimental vaccines" or they wouldn't have been officially stamped as EUAs.

    Meanwhile, the human vaccine experiments continue...

    1. Fact Check: COVID-19 vaccines are not experimental ... According [a Facebook post] all vaccines are considered experimental. This is not true – they have all been put through standard safety testing before being rolled out to the public. ... While these are the first mRNA vaccines to be rolled out to the general public, the technology behind them has been developed over a number of years. 

    2. "standard safety testing" yeah sure it's okay for some barely trained pharmacist to inject saline and silica in your arm.

      But what does it do? The experiments to find out continue. Long term effects are still ongoing. Everything about that process from interruptions in temperature controls in stored vaccines to "accidentally" mixing booster brands to every other kind of human error that can crop up are all still unknown, even empirically unknown. Vaccines must be stored at temperatures most vaccination sites lack the freezer capabilities of maintaining, and so on.

      Even now, the list of things about these so-called vaccines that should be known but aren't is way too long to have ever injected one into a fellow human being.

  19. "Estimated Study Completion Date: July 30, 2023".

    Study, not experiment. The page describes the parameters of the STUDY. Whether the vaccine would work and work safely was looked at in the experimental stage. Now they are STUDYING effectiveness. As it says under the "Detailed Description".

    Catastrophic lack of English reading comprehension skills = Beamish and Minus.

    1. A study / clinical trial is an experiment, dipshit.

    2. What are they "studying," dipshit? Effectiveness? How do they "study effectiveness?" By administering their concoction to a control group, i.e. running an experiment?

      We'll work on shapes and colors next, piker.

    3. I'm sorry, Derv, but intellectual honesty requires you to admit you're a fucking buffoon. Stop playing.

    4. Intellectual honesty demands I not falsely admit to seeing "experiment" in place of "study". Or redefine "study" as "experiment". Is data going to stop being collected after full FDA approval is granted? Or is data collection (and studying said data) a forever ongoing process? According to you, unless data collection ends, the "experiment" never ends. btw, GFY.

    5. Further demonstration of your lack of reading comprehension skills isn't going to change my assessment, dipshit.

      You are trying to argue a distinction without a difference. A study of the effects of a substance administered to a control group IS an experiment to test and observe the effects of that substance.

      A study also includes comparing the data collected against a different group / placebo group in the experiment.

      An experiment is very much a study. A clinical trial. A let's see what happens if...

      Yes, dipshit, a study is an analysis of an experiment. No experiment, no study.

      Testable claims are the heart of science. If you weren't of the Joe Biden could be the first female President if he felt a certain way crowd, you would grasp such real world things.

      Testable claims? They're still testing. The experiment continues.

  20. The vaccines aren't being administered to a control group. They are being administered to everyone. Excepting anti-vaxx FIRED dipshits like you.

    1. Study Type : Observational
      Estimated Enrollment : 999 participants

      Good Lord learn to read you fucking moron.

  21. So only 999 people have received the pfizer vaccine? The official reported administered doses of 275 million must be fake news. Or maybe they are only observing 999 people in this STUDY. You use the word "experimental" because your goal is to scare people. I suppose you could say this is an "experiment" to test efficacy, but the vaccine itself is not "experimental". The vaccines passed that phase of development. There is NO WAY they would have been authorized otherwise. Even for emergency use.

    FYI, I don't give a crap about your continued barrage of insults. You're full of shit. btw, how many people are in the placebo group?
