Friday, November 5, 2021

More Irrefutable Proof that the Department of Justice and FBI is Run by Partisan Political DNC Stooges


  1. Project veritas = fake news.

    James O'Keefe is the partisan stooge.

  2. AG Garland isn't going to prosecute rightwing delusions.

  3. You're right about one thing. AG Garland won't prosecute a fellow Democrat.

  4. Garland is a moderate institutionalist. My preference for AG was Glenn Kirschner. Dotard would have been indicted already under AG Kirschner. Not for partisan reasons, but because justice demands it.

  5. A moderate institutionalist is a radical Deep Stater.

  6. You claim the "deep state" is out to get Dotard. Where are the Garland Justice Department charges?

  7. He's protector-in-chief of the Deep State. Think he'd charge himself?

  8. Why hasn't Steve Bannon been charged? Everyone can ignore congressional supenas from now on? The House, if it flips republican and starts investigations (of Hunter Biden, for example) should expect a middle finger from anyone they ask to testify. Garland isn't "deep state", he's a big disappointment. At least so far.

  9. And WTF is AG Garland supposed to charge himself with? Not going after tRump re his obvious crimes? Aiding and abetting insurrection by not indicting the ringleaders.

  10. Your right. Hillary need to go to jail.

  11. LOL! Dotard promised that before the election. He had 4 years. Hillary Clinton should be in her second term.

  12. Presidential term. Hillary Clinton will never be charged with a crime. Dotard tRump is far more likely to end up behind bars. The "lock her up" chant was a lie to motivate the morons, not a campaign promise. If it were, tRump broke it. Broken like he broke all his campaign promises. LOL!

  13. Meanwhile...Durham's getting closer and closer...

  14. Yes, that Hillary was the one doing all the colluding with Russians, Brit's, and the 5-eyes IC.

  15. Inicted fraudster Igor Danchenko wasn't a Russian national making up data for the Steele Dossier and Clinton Campaign? Who knew...

  16. Quote: "Prosecutors say Danchenko falsely denied to the FBI that he worked on the project with a former Democratic operative. They say Danchenko also falsely told the FBI multiple times that he worked with a Russian businessman on the project".

    Who he worked with has nothing to do with the veracity of any intelligence he provided to Christopher Steele.

    Quote (same article): "Danchenko was the primary collector of information for retired British spy Christopher Steele, who wrote the 35-page dossier that contained explosive and unverified claims about Trump".

    Unverified, not disproven or "made up". You've proven no fraud - according to Danchenko he is "not guilty, your honor".
