Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The "Pandemic" has become "Endemic"


en·dem·ic: (of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. "complacency is endemic in industry today"


  1. How is it possible that this is on YouTube? Was YouTube fooled by Jimmy's "Leftist" charade?

  2. No. The video IS on YouTube, despite your delusion demanding that it should have been removed.

  3. I don't think that it should have been removed. I love freedom of expression.

  4. It wasn't. Freedom of expression doesn't allow you to cry freedom in a crowded theater. Pro-Covid nihilists like you love spreading disinformation that gets people killed.

  5. Covid is spreading faster among the vaccinated in Singapore and Israel. The likelihood of getting Covid is higher among the vaccinated.

  6. Your link states that infections are higher the more jabs you get.

  7. It doesn't. My guess is that your illiteracy is responsible for your misreading of the linked article.

  8. No misread there. It states that of the hospitalized vaccinated, the majority of them have had more than one jab.

    It isn't clear if those that have just one jab took the heart tissue destroying Johnson and Johnson version or just the first jab of the Pfizer or Moderna neuro-degenerative spike protein agent. Without that categorization, it's a good inference that your risk for covid infection increases with each vaccine dose, while the risk of hospitalization for the unvaccinated remains relatively low and consistent weighted against the population at large. That's how statistics work. If the population were 100% vaccinated, you'd still have 25 to 30% of them in the hospital.

    Maybe some work should be done on coming up with an effective vaccine, so less than a third of those who take it don't end up in the hospital from taking it.

  9. 0% of people who get vaccinated end up in the hospital from taking it.

  10. Reuters: In late April 2021, conservative outlets such as The Gateway Pundit and National File published stories on a paper linking Pfizer's vaccine for the novel coronavirus to neurodegenerative diseases. ...[the] central claim is that Pfizer's mRNA vaccine "contains sequences believed to induce TDP-43 and FUS to aggregate in their prion-based conformation leading to the development of common neurodegerative diseases". In other words, he says certain "letters" in RNA code in the vaccine have the potential to trigger changes to the way particular human proteins (namely TDP-43 and FUS) fold, making them cause disease. According to experts consulted by Reuters, as of this fact check's publication, evidence does not support this claim. (5/12/2021).

  11. Let's see... now 776,000+ incidents is "nothing". Boy, when you Democrats ignore "alternate facts", you really ignore "alternate facts".

  12. Wow. It's almost as if nobody installed Sub-Zero freezer storage units at all these vaccination sites. Might as well be injecting oatmeal into your arm.

  13. There weren't "776,000+ incidents" of people being diagnosed with neurodegenerative diseases after being vaccinated. That's YOUR "alternative fact". And vaccines that weren't used in time were thrown out. Nobody was injected with expired vaccines.

  14. It's more now...

    798,634 Reports
    Through October 08, 2021

  15. lol!

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed an increased number of deaths reported after a COVID-19 vaccination. Between December 14, 2020, through July 19, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received 12,313 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.
