Saturday, October 2, 2021

How the NHS and CDC Currently Make "Science" Happen...


  1. What you need to understand is that we're in the kind of pandemic that can afford to fire doctors and nurses that refuse the vaccine mandate lol

  2. Exactly. It's a simulation of a pandemic.

  3. ...performed to alleviate the fears of those who believe that the dangers from Covid are "hyper-real" (aka: more real than real)

  4. It's a drill. The fired medical personnel are "dead."

  5. Neither person in the video is an expert. Pro-covid medical personnel should be fired. Minus doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy.

  6. ^^He says as he recommends bringing a stick to an argument^^

  7. Only a figurative stick. You argue in favor of shooting actual bullets at protestors and fleeing suspects. I'm in favor of saving lives while you are in favor of taking them. Only the lives of zygotes matter to you, and then only as a political weapon (you don't care about actual babies at all).

  8. I'm against systemic discrimination of the unvaccinated of ALL races. You're for it. Face it. Democrats are the party of selective systemic discrimination.

  9. What bullshit. Is "no shirt, no shoes, no service" discrimination against the shirtless and shoeless? And you STRONGLY support systemic discrimination. Why you defended the convicted murder, inmate Chauvin.

  10. The discrimination of "No shirt No service individuals" represents the opposite of systemic discrimination.

  11. One should follow this line to its conclusion: a fully self-conscious liberal should intentionally limit his altruistic readiness to sacrifice his own good for the others' Good, aware that the most efficient way to act for the common good is to follow one's private egotism. The inevitable obverse of the Cunning of Reason motto "private vices, common good" is: "private goodness, common disaster."

    -Slavoj Zizek, "The Liberal Utopia, Section II: The Market Mechanism for the Race of Devils"

  12. I still think gay wedding cakes should be more expensive. Storing rectal lesion scabs to sprinkle on a cake is expensive and logistics heavy.

  13. "pseudo", definition: not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; false or spurious; sham.

  14. Zizek pretends to be leftist, but sounds too intelligent to pull it off 🤣

  15. He pulls off sounding like a dipshit. Those are the kind of "leftists" that voted for (or would have voted for) Dotard.
