Monday, October 25, 2021

Democrats Already Blaming Russia for 2022 Election Losses...


  1. republicans are already blaming nonexistent "voter fraud" for 2022 election losses.

  2. republicans are experts at cheating. They have been doing it for decades. When Democrats win it is in spite of republican fraud.

  3. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I always say.

  4. Whenever the Dems start feeling like they need to worry about the next election, Donald Trump says something the idea of worrying becomes ridiculous.

  5. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I always say

    Only in the magaturd mind does imaginary cheating justify real cheating.

  6. ^^So used to stuffing ballot boxes that he imagines that keeping illegal votes from being stuffed into ballots boxes is "cheating"^^

  7. ^^So bought in to the voter fraud myth that he thinks stopping legal votes isn't cheating^^

  8. ^^Believes a DNC 'religious' myth of a repressed/ suppressed minority voter^^

  9. ^^believes a President with an approval rating lower than a broken public toilet needed to be cheated out of an election^^

  10. ^^Believes Democrat Run City Elections are Honest^^

  11. ^^believes Democrats hide the votes of thousands of inner city ghetto Republican that somehow only exist on election day^^

  12. ^^believes Democrats hide the votes of thousands of inner city ghetto Republican that somehow only exist on election day^^

  13. ^^Believes that election precinct monitors DON'T vote for thousands of ghetto Democrats too lazy to vote early or on election day.^^

  14. ^^Voted for the White Supremacist candidate, comments about how African Americans are less intelligent and lazy, yet insists he isn't racist^^

    Maybe Beamish believes that Democrats don't engage in widespread voter fraud - because they don't. That minority votes are suppressed isn't a "myth", it is a fact.

    republicans = the real bigly cheaters.

  15. What explains it is the MSM piling on Biden. "Cloak of Gyges" = protects Dotard.

  16. Piling on Biden? How many invisibility cloaks does Biden need?

  17. If Trump were President right now, things would be the same (because Biden has changed nothing) and Trump supporters would sound like Jen Psaki on meth.

    Change my mind.

  18. Defending him from what? He's done nothing with his first 9 months in office. The only thing he has going for him is that he's one of the 8+ billion people on the planet that aren't Trump. That fulfills his winning election formula, sure, but there's plenty he could be doing.

  19. Biden didn't wear his face diaper to a dinner. You know, the existentially most right-wing political concern mankind has ever seen.

  20. I mean, we could set out to try to recast Trumpism as an intellectual pursuit, but Jesus that's a shit ton of meth to do.

  21. BTW... circling back... Psaki is vaxxed and got the Covid anyway...
