Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Border? What border?


  1. They're sorry about beating them with whips though

  2. It was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris riding the horses and doing the whipping? I did not know that. They should be sorry if that's true.

  3. Nobody was whipped, but when the left eats itself ... Bon appetit!

  4. Border Patrol agents are "working to sabotage the Biden administration", according to insiders (excerpt)... The Trump-supporting Border Patrol labor union is reportedly teaming up with Republicans to launch a PR offensive on Biden's government. At the same time, officers have chosen to continue to treat migrants at the border like Trump is still president. (Independent 3/16/2021).

    The Left wants the Biden administration to succeed*. Holding the administration accountable will help it succeed. Another reason why Dotard did such a bad job and failed. He demanded YES men and rejected all criticism.

    *Excluding pro-Dotard leftists like Jimmy Dore, Krystal Ball, Glenn Greenwald, etc.

  5. No red carpets at border crossings yet? The horror....

  6. Dotard's White Supremacist cultists crave ACTUAL horror at the border. Remember Franco fantasized about border patrol agents incinerating refugees with flamethrowers. Also remember that a Dotard strategy to get the haters out to vote was via fear mongering about "caravans". Now the haters are lying about refugees bringing in covid*.

    The Biden administration is trying to handle situation at the border more humanely. What haters like you can't stand. The border isn't "open". The border patrol agents who whipped migrants from horseback should be fired.

    *So what? The haters (people like you) love covid and want as much of it as possible to "thin the herd". Maybe not a bad idea, given that it's killing lots of republicans.

  7. Business Insider: Rep. Tony Gonzalez, a Texas Republican, defended US Border Patrol agents who were filmed riding on horseback and using their reins to whip at Haitian migrants attempting to cross the US-Mexico border. Gonzalez argued that the law enforcement agents were "doing God's work" by attempting to prevent the migrants from crossing the river on Sunday near Del Rio, Texas. (9/21/21)

  8. And they rode all the way to Haiti to whip them... 🙄

  9. The whipping story must be kept alive. There are still millions of people who believe leftists are capable of rational thought, and having the left claiming Haitians are being whipped by Biden's Border Patrol serves many interests, none of which are theirs.

  10. Black people... Not allowed inside restaurants and at risk of being whipped from horseback. Classic Biden is back!

  11. ...the left claiming Haitians are being whipped by Biden's Border Patrol...

    Border Patrol agents "have chosen to continue to treat migrants at the border like Trump is still president".

    Black people... Not allowed inside restaurants and at risk of being whipped from horseback.

    Unvaccinated people (regardless of race) are not being allowed inside restaurants in some places. These unvaccinated people are simply being asked to leave. They aren't being whipped. That would be assault.

    FYI, whipping AT someone isn't the same as actually whipping someone. I haven't heard that anyone was actually whipped (see Business Insider story excerpt I posted above). I don't know if they were trying to injure people or it was just a scare tactic. Either way it's unacceptable.

    The "Jason Siler" video you linked to is a load of bullplop. He blames Joe Biden for what all the pro-covid republican governors are doing to make sure the pandemic continues (for example). What a dope. When is Hunter Biden going to be charged?

  12. The best crowd control methods are being made unlawful by idiots that never had to try and control a crowd. tsk-tsk.

  13. It's not the right claiming Haitian invaders are being whipped. It's the left. It's Biden himself. If you deny it, you're a racist.

    When the left eats itself, bon appetit!

  14. The Left believes in accountability. Including holding itself accountable. It is one of our strengths. The right doesn't believe in accountability. They fall in line because they are authoritarian followers. See Minus FJ's defense of every corrupt thing Dotard did (and continues to do). This is your weakness. Even though you wrongly (and stupidly) see it as a strength.

    And (as I said above) it isn't known if any migrant was actually whipped or only whipped at. There is going to be an investigation. If you deny it? The reason is likely that you're an authoritarian follower who likes narratives instead of truth. And probably a racist. It's the racist's MO to deny racism. See Minus FJ's denial of Charles Murray's scientific racism. Or Beamish's racist stupidity concerning generations of cannibalism resulting in the genetic inferiority.

    When the right eats itself, bon appetit! See Minus FJ's absurd accusation that Bill Barr was "deep state" all along! LOL. If the truth hurts just deny the truth. See the trumper's denial that Joe Biden is the legitimate president who won fair and square. Are the Cyber Ninjas now "deep state"? Or is the Left just too wiley to get caught (re their alleged election rigging)? What happened to the bamboo fibers in the ballots? Why couldn't the Cyber Ninjas identify the fraudulent ballots that were shipped in from China? LOL.

  15. Isn't it ironic that the party line defenders of the Clintons claim to have been "holding their leaders accountable?" LOL!

  16. The DNC stands for "a cloak of Gyges for themselves" whilst holder "Everyone ELSE" accountable.

  17. The #metoo movement didn't exist when Clinton was president. And Dotard is way worse (many more accusers). He was in office during #metoo. NOT held accountable = f*ck off. The cloak protects the right, not the Left.

  18. This guy thinks Trump the lifelong Democrat campaign financier is right-wing lol

  19. Or Beamish's racist stupidity concerning generations of cannibalism resulting in the genetic inferiority.

    I'll wait for your evidence that generations of cannibals are genetically superior and not carriers of genetic weaknesses that remain in their DNA to emerge as diagnostic indicators of birth defects and congenital diseases.

  20. You are what you eat, and further, you are what you ancestors ate shaped your genetics to be.

  21. The Healing Power of Death (excerpt)... Were Europeans once cannibals? Research shows that up until the end of the 18th century, medicine routinely included stomach-churning ingredients like human flesh and blood. ... In 16th- and 17th-century Europe, recipes for remedies... provided instructions on how to process human bodies, were almost as common as the use of herbs, roots and bark. Medical historian Richard Sugg of Britain's Durham University... says that cadaver parts and blood were standard fare, available in every pharmacy. He even describes supply bottlenecks from the glory days of "medicinal cannibalism".

  22. ^^thinks blood transfusions and organ transplants constitute "cannibalism"

  23. "Regular diet" = bullshit. I don't know if Beamish believes blood transfusions and organ transplants constitute cannibalism. That would be stupid... so maybe he does.

  24. Recent scientific discoveries have proved beyond a doubt that cannibalism was once commonplace. The last society to admit to ritual cannibalism, the Fore tribe of New Guinea, stopped in the mid-’50s after an outbreak of kuru—a brain disease closely related to mad cow disease and brought on by consuming rogue proteins called prions in human brain tissue. British scientists studying the Fore discovered that many of them had developed a genetic resistance to the disease. They then took samples from populations around the world and found the same result. Cannibalism, the scientists concluded, was once so commonplace that humans evolved a genetic resistance to the diseases associated with it.

    What? A regular diet of human flesh will cause inherited genetic changes? So the fittest of the cannibals can survive the brain damage they pass to their children?

  25. Human Meat Just Another Meal for Early Europeans (excerpt)... For some European cavemen, human meat wasn't a ritual delicacy or a food of last resort but an everyday meal, according to a new study of fossil bones found in Spain. And, it seems, everyone in the area was doing it. The fossil bones, collected since 1994, reveal that "gastronomic cannibalism" [the action or habit of eating human flesh of their own kind without a ritual sense nor famine extreme] was commonplace and habitual — both to meet nutritional needs and to kill off local competition, according to the study, published in the August [2010] issue of Current Anthropology. ... As well as de-fleshing marks and evidence of bone smashing to get at the marrow inside, there are signs the victims also had their brains eaten. (National Geographic 9/2/2010).

    FYI, Span is in Europe. Were Beamish's ancestors cannibals and does this explain his obvious brain damage?

    New Guinea isn't in Africa.

  26. spaIn is in Europe. Typo, not evidence of illiteracy.

  27. Generational cannibalism causes genetic inferiority. Develop immunity to cannibalism vectored diseases at the expense of also gaining genetic disorders that cause other problems.

  28. Your ancestors must have been bigly cannibals.

  29. ^^Descendant from a long line of vampires^^

  30. "You know the difference between cannibals and liberals? Cannibals eat only their enemies.” - Lyndon Johnson
