Monday, August 2, 2021

Why does ANYONE Care about Covid Anymore?



  1. No shirt
    No shoes
    No service

    No smoking
    No parking
    No trespassing
    No littering

  2. Here's why the Delta variant is more dangerous than other versions. (excerpt) Scientists don't believe the Delta variant is any more lethal than other COVID mutations, though. The severity of the disease people are suffering is similar to the original strain. But that doesn't mean it is not more deadly. Because it can infect so many more people, and quickly, we may see higher death tolls. (8/2/2021).

  3. The common cold is a coranirus that is very contagious and less lethal. It still has cause millions of deaths of people with comorbidities.

  4. That is the nature of viruses. If they kill their hosts too fast, they can't spread.

  5. Dervy can now claim how beneficial the Maduro Diet was for Venezuelans and Cubans...

    No wonder California is outlawing bacon.

  6. ...not that I don't sympathize with the hog farming restrictions.

  7. I'm just not used the "progressives" objecting to increases to aggregate efficiencies.

  8. More bacon for me in Missouri. They don't deserve our bacon anyway for all the carbon emissions restrictions they've caused us for sending us their forest fire smoke.

  9. ....Maybe you should set up some racks and catch the smoke... makes the bacon tastier.

  10. Wait a minute... Our grape wine is better too

  11. Stone Hill Winery... Everything else is piss.

    Fun trivia fact: All French wines come from Missouri 🤫

    Missouri replaced France's grapes after a blight wiped out all their vineyards...

  12. If nobody cares about covid any longer, why are increasing number of republicans seeing the infection rates going up, panicking, and endorsing getting vaccinated?

  13. How many variants of COVID-19 do you have in your mask?

  14. Ignore him, beamish, he thinks he's spotted an MSM progressive narrative induced trend.

    1. Does Biden sniff children because adults carry Covid?

  15. Suddenly, Conservatives Care About Vaccines. (excerpt) A number of leaders on the right suddenly urged their audiences to get vaccinated in the past day. Why now? ... Fox News's Sean Hannity said last night... "It absolutely makes sense for many Americans to get vaccinated". ... Hannity is not alone now. His statement comes as several other major conservatives are speaking up too. ... Steve Doocy, one of the anchors of the network's popular morning show Fox & Friends, has been advocating for vaccines, and tangling with co-hosts over it. "If you have the chance, get the shot", he said yesterday. "It will save your life".

    Ben Shapiro of The Daily Wire, who has been a vocal proponent of vaccination all along, also told his followers today on Twitter, "Get vaxxed. I did. My wife did. My parents did". Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy, a confidant of Donald Trump, today published a column praising the current president: "Six months into his administration, President Joe Biden should be applauded for making a huge dent in the COVID pandemic. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, who had conspicuously declined to get a shot, offering dubious excuses, announced today that he finally got vaccinated this weekend.

    Why the shift is happening now ... [possibly because of] the emergence of a new COVID-19 surge, fueled by the Delta variant. The Delta variant is ... spreading particularly in red states, which lag more liberal areas in vaccine uptake.

  16. Why aren't there stories of unused surplus vaccines expiring and going to waste in red states? Are vaccination sites as easy to find in rural areas as they are in major cities?

  17. You think people in red states want the vaccines but can't get them?

    1. The vaccines can't be stored indefinitely. If they're not used, they will have to be disposed of. Show the the piles of vaccines that had to be thrown away because red staters didn't use them or stfu.

  18. Alabama threw out 65,000 expired COVID vaccines.

    Arkansas' Governor Pleads With Residents To Get The COVID-19 Vaccine. This weekend, authorities in Arkansas expect to throw away 80,000 doses of COVID vaccines. The doses reached their expiration dates without anybody taking them.

  19. Finally getting to the inventory side of the logistics puzzle. Were these expired vaccines collected from communities where they are actually needed or from a metropolitan city dozens of miles away from people who need them? I understand Biden came into office having to create a vaccine distribution plan from scratch. So, when will he?

  20. "We have lots of vaccine available … about a million and a half doses that are here waiting for someone to come and take them"

    Does this underground hidden rave party have a million and a half parking spaces too?

  21. President Biden: 90% of Americans will have access to vaccine site within 5 miles.

    I had to go a little further than five miles, but I live in a red state and had no problem scheduling or obtaining a vaccination. I don't know what your deal is re this specific stupidity, but it's nonsense. Joe Biden ran on getting people vaccinated and has done a fantastic job. It's people who are hesitant or people who refuse to get the vaccination that are causing the problem, not people wanting the vaccine but being unable to get it.

  22. Your own linked articles, particularly the one from Alabama, illustrate that the bulk of expired vaccine doses were being collected from warehouses; i.e. they were never distributed to any community beyond that point in the first place. "[H]ere waiting for someone to come and take them."

    Does the government know who hasn't been vaccinated thus where the vaccines need to go? What locations have the temperature controlled space and refrigerated trucks necessary to ferry and store vaccine supplies? A way to order and reserve the vaccination of your choice? A database tracking who got what dose and to have the proper second dose waiting in reserve and on time? Nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope. This is "go online to report your power outage" level stupid writ view from orbit large. You can't really say the logistics of Biden's vaccine rollout plan is broken when there is no plan. It's your own fault the saw mill has no toilet paper for sale... The whole damned country has supply chain issues but vaccines are everywhere and ready? What are you smoking?

  23. Because people weren't making appointments or showing up to get vaccinated in quantities that would cause the vaccinators to say "yes, we need more vaccines". Polls confirm that in red states more people than in Blue states don't want the vaccines. I don't know what you're smoking.

    "One of the main factors driving differences in COVID-19 vaccination rates across the country is partisanship. Our surveys consistently find that Democrats are much more likely to report having been vaccinated than Republicans, and Republicans are much more likely to say that they definitely do not want to get vaccinated. In May, just as vaccine supply was starting to outstrip demand, we examined average vaccination rates by county and found that rates were lower in counties that voted for Trump in the 2020 Presidential election compared to those that voted for Biden. Now, two months later, we find that not only does this remain the case, the gap has grown" :P

  24. "As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states. The share of vaccinations received by Black people also continues to be smaller than their share of deaths in most states..."

    If African-Americans are 13% of the US population and only 1% of African-Americans are vaccinated when 23% of Covid deaths have been African-Americans....'re going to have to deny black people access to Covid vaccines and kill them a lot faster to lower their proportion of the net population to an amount that makes blaming the mythical "Republican anti-vaxxer" even remotely plausible.

  25. Dervy denies his party's Klan bonafides.

  26. Minus denies his party's Klan bonafides. Proven by his narrative that Black people are less intelligent and are being fooled into voting Democratic.

  27. They're smart enough not to vaccinate tho

  28. It's "slavery" to be paid not to work according to a recent WYD meme. As for being "bought", couldn't they do better than to live in poverty if (as per republican logic) they worked hard and got ahead on their own? It isn't being fooled to think living in poverty is better than working hard and attaining a good middle class life (as well as the sense of accomplishment of doing it without a hand out)? You must consider Black people to be more lazy than stupid.

  29. So you think Dotard was right when he said: "...laziness is a trait in blacks"?

  30. Makes sense. My great great grandfather gave a few blacks all the perks of socialism: free food, free clothing, a home, job training and a job, health care and so on but he still had to wear out a horsewhip on them to get them to work more productively.

  31. Nah. I'm sure great-great grandpa would have beat the Dickens out of anybody he paid for at auction.

  32. He was kinda snobbish though, only wanted brand name Black chattel.
