Sunday, August 15, 2021

Never Again?


"He meant the roof!"  LOL!


  1. Trump signed the surrender. Biden carried it out. At least it wasn't the surrender ceremony at Camp David on September 11th, 2021 that Trump wanted to do.

  2. Really?

    "Thanks to the extraordinary sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, our combat mission in Afghanistan is ending and the longest war in American history is coming to a responsible conclusion," Obama said in a statement in 2014, adding that the day marked "a milestone for our country."


    When trump left office, how many troops were in Afghanistan? 3x what Obama left.

  3. Contrary to popular belief, with modern weaponry Afghanistan is a very easy country to conquer.

  4. America's problem was that it never wanted to stay. It should have interbred it's soldiers with the local population and turned them all into "warlords". They would have put a 7-11 on every street corner and a WalMart at every crossroad. Instead, it pussied out and turned the country over to Afghans.

  5. How surprising that you go the total hypocrite route. You praised Dotard when he said he was getting us out of Afghanistan. Dotard made a ceasefire deal with the Taliban (and cut out the Afghanistan government) to help with his re-election chances. If Biden had broken the deal he would have had no choice but to send in 10k troops (at least) to quell the violence. In which case you would have criticized him. This disaster is on Dotard.

  6. You need to recall that as the first President of the United States that viscerally hates America and everything it stands for, Donald Trump had to fire and replace several qualified secretaries of state and defense and national security advisers to produce this level of incompetence. Also recall the perennial Trumptard chorus of "not starting a war." The Sudafed Junkie in Chief *forgot* that al Qaeda / the Taliban started the war. You knew you were getting a geopolitically imbecilic left-wing Code Pinko twit when you voted for him.

  7. The war was lost 20 years ago when the first US troops rotated OUT. That Biden get's the blame is just the icing on the cake. The game of presidential blame musical chairs is over, and Biden stands alone.

    Trump started zero new wars. That's why he's the greatest president of the 21st century.

  8. The only blame that can be assessed to Biden is that on the evening of January 20th this year he didn't interrupt the Taliban's breakfast with an announcement that the imbecilic deal Trump brokered with them was null and void and that there would no further communications until they rename their organization "America's Bitch."

  9. Biden needs to redeem himself by vetting the certain deluge of refugees that will flee Afghanistan and execute every single one of them that was a member of the Afghan security forces we trained unless they can cough up the costs of their training.

  10. "The Sudafed Junkie in Chief *forgot* that al Qaeda / the Taliban started the war".

    Dotard abuses Adderall. And gwb started the war when he refused the offer from the Taliban to turn over OBL.

  11. Forgetting al-Qaeda claiming responsibility for bombings of US embassies in east Africa...

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...

  12. War can be declared on nations. The Taliban isn't al-Qaeda. They're different groups of people. al-Qaeda isn't a nation. gwb demanded OBL be handed over. The Taliban said OK. There was no reason for war.

  13. When Trump signed the unconditional surrender agreement
    to the Taliban, it was tacit recognition of the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan. Russia and China will recognize them. Cue Trump's pro-nationalism speech at the UN for extra laughs.

    What are the Afghan newspapers reading? Anyone got the Kandahar Gazette? 😏

  14. Dotard did indeed sign an unconditional surrender agreement. You actually wrote something I agree with. No pushback from Minus? Or does he also agree?

  15. I agree that Trump wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan and that Taliban rule would have been the ultimate result. But he wasn't so stupid as to abandon Kandahar before every US citizen was out.

  16. They're probably wishing that they still had the Bagram Air Base, too.

  17. Allowing Trump withdrawal plans to remain in place is probably good 25th Amendment grounds to remove Biden from office before his senility has him licking and biting microphones.

  18. Tell that to the thousands of US civilians trapped in Afghanistan today.

  19. "I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn't stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn't stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop" -- Donald Trump, June 21st this year, at a rally in Ohio.

    The trapped US civilians have Dotard to thank for their predicament. He surrendered to the Taliban and set a cut and run date of May 1. Dotard also effectively shut down the visa approval process, trapping our allies as well.

    A former Pence adviser said Trump had 4 years to help Afghan allies leave the country but Stephen Miller's "racist hysteria" blocked it from happening.

    Dotard should have been removed via the 25th amendment. There was definitely ample evidence, unlike with Biden (with whom there zero evidence to support a "senility" claim).

  20. 10,000 American trapped behind Taliban lines. Good job, Joe!

  21. Oh, I relish the fact that a senile old man beat Trump in a fair election. Doesn't make Biden less senile. It just means the Republicans should have run a viable candidate.

  22. Donald Trump was America's Salvador Allende.

  23. Dotard was the American Viktor Orban. Though Dotard's attempt to steal the presidency failed. Narrowly. If Dotard hadn't murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans (via his bungling of the pandemic response) he might still be predisent. If you wanted to elect a democratic socialist you should have voted for Bernie Sanders.

  24. Donald Trump was America's Salvador Allende.

    Nay. Trump was the worst kind of Commie. The kind that doesn't kill himself.

  25. Donald Trump was America's Salvador Allende.

    Nay. Trump was the worst kind of Commie. The kind that doesn't kill himself.
