Wednesday, August 18, 2021

For Your Safety...


  1. We've always been allied with the Taliban in the War on opioids

  2. Minus = blob of goo for a brain. The morons in the video are spewing hate speech. They clearly hate life (want people to die). You agree with them, despite supposedly being "pro-life" (your anti-choice views).

  3. Hate Speech = everything progressive virtue signalers pretend to oppose, but practice in spades.

  4. "Conservatives" are the pretenders. They say the are "pro-life", but that slogan was stolen from people opposed to the death penalty. They are the original pro-lifers. The lie is exposed by the fact that "Conservatives" stop caring about life as soon as the issue is a poor mother who needs help. Then they cry about "socialism". That you are rooting for the virus is yet another example of how "Conservatives" hate life. You posted about how it wasn't Dotard's job to fight the virus!

  5. Pretends he wouldn't put Adolf Hitler to death because he's "pro-Life".

  6. The death penalty is pro-life. God punished man with forcing him to farm. If cows don't want to be burgers they can bum rush the Garden of Eden.

  7. Oh, Nancy Pelosi's California vineyards...

  8. Adolf Hitler is dead. A dead person can't be put to death. Unless resurrected first. And, no, I would not do that (raise Hitler from the dead so he could be executed).

  9. Would you use Adolf Hitler to fertilize your cabbage?

  10. You should. It's good for you. You need the fiber.

  11. Pfizer now has full approval. Is it a "deep state" lie? If so, why aren't the others approved yet? Why weren't the approvals issued earlier? Why aren't vaccines for children under 12 approved?

  12. The CDC violated all of its' safety protocols in approving Pfizer, o yes, it is a deep state lie.

  13. Why are people that take the Pfizer vaccine turning into bats?

  14. "The CDC violated all of its' safety protocols in approving Pfizer".

    Says who? The Babylon Bee? Sounds like that's where Beamish gets his "news".

  15. "Says who?" Says me... that's why the vaccine I took will NEVER get CDC approval and they had to bait and switch people into believing that the variant of the vaccine that they got was the "approved" one and not their short-cut version.

  16. "Says me".

    So nobody whose opinion matters. I'll listen to and trust experts who reach conclusions based on facts. As opposed to crackpots who reach conclusions based on their paranoid delusions.

  17. So when will CDC "experts" be approving the Pfizer BioNTech Covid vaccine? LOL!

  18. The Comirnaty vaccine's was "conditionally" based upon safety studies that won't get completed until the year 2027.

  19. I see "Estimated Study Completion Date: May 2, 2023" on the page you linked to.
