Saturday, July 17, 2021

Covid Experimental Vaccine Related Deaths Outnumbered Actual Covid Disease Deaths Last Week...

 There are currently 463,456 Adverse Events reported on the VAERS website .  There are 10,991 reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines listed at the CDC’s VAERS database.

Two weeks ago VAERS reported 6,985 deaths due to the COVID vaccines.  Last week that number jumped to 9,048.

This past week: There were 2,092 deaths from the COVID Vaccines —  According to the CDC-linked VAERS website.

Last Week: there were 1,918 total COVID-19 deaths in the United States.


...and the White House claims that the Anti-Vaxxers are spreading misinformation responsible for killing people?


  1. Two weeks ago VAERS reported 6,985 deaths due to the COVID vaccines. Last week that number jumped to 9,048.

    Neither thing happened. btw, if the "fascist" administration is "censoring" misinformation (like you post here) it must be only a matter of time before your blog is found and removed. Why would you get the vaccine if you believed this? Surely your wife isn't going to get it. Unless she isn't a tinfoil hat nutter like you.

  2. I can't help it how the CDC reports their numbers. It happened. The vaccines are dangerous. And last week, they were MORE dangerous than the actual virus.

  3. The CDC didn't report that anyone died from the vaccine because nobody did. You lie. Anyway, remember that it was the Dotard Donald administration who originally OK'd the emergency use authorizations. So you can blame them for these deaths if you wish. Even though there is a huge difference between dying after getting vaccinated and dying from a vaccine (3 people).

    They Dotard administration is definitely responsible for all the people who died because they refused to take the pandemic seriously (379k).

  4. Question: Is it true that VAERS says 3,000 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccines?

    Answered from infectious diseases expert James Lawler, MD, MPH: No. ... VAERS cannot and does not determine whether a vaccine caused something. The CDC states this clearly in their disclaimer: "A report to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine caused the adverse event, only that the adverse event occurred some time after vaccination". The disclaimer continues, "The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental or unverifiable".

    Published May 13, 2021.

  5. lol! Did Covid kill 600,000 otherwise totally healthy people? No, it only killed 10,000+ of those.

    Grow up and apply the same standard for once in your life. Stop hiding behind double standards and weasel words.

  6. Covid was the determining factor in those deaths. If those people had not contracted Covid they would still be alive. YOU are the one apply different standards.

    The deaths you don't want to count = they would't have otherwise died (EXCEPT for contracting covid).

    The deaths you do want to count (and attribute to the vaccines) = people that would have died (gotten the vaccine or not).

    Minus = bigly weasel.

  7. The SAME standard would be if the covid vaccine was a contributing factor re death. If it was I would say those death absolutely should count. But (as I've already pointed out) autopsies say the vaccine was not a factor. Except in the case of the THREE PEOPLE who died due to blood clots.

  8. As with the COVID test data, the vaccine was the determinant factor in the VAERS data. Their deaths wouldn't have been recorded, BUT FOR THEIR HAVING BEEN VACCINATED. Double standards, thy name is Dervish Sanders.

  9. None of the 600,000 Covid deaths would have been recorded as such had a test not been done that indicated Covid present. That was sufficient for all those death certificates. Had a test been required to be done for Covid antibodies on the VAERS death list and been the criteria for certifying a VAERS death as vaccine related, we'd have exactly the same criteria. Only a test wasn't needed. They already had a vaccination record that certified the placement of those antibodies into the deceased.

  10. No SYMPTOMS of Covid were necessary to certify a death from COVID. The test was the ONLY criteria.

  11. Government hospitals have selectively taken cover under the WHO death coding classification, reiterated by the ICMR Cause of Death (COD) manual for COVID 19. Under this, COVID-19 is documented as the underlying cause of death (UCOD) when an RT-PCR test is positive – with or without typical COVID-19 symptoms, when present with co-morbid symptoms (asthma, heart disease, type 1 diabetes). The death is recorded as such with a different code, when the test is negative - but clinical COVID-19 symptoms are present; as Probable COVID 19, when test is inconclusive, but symptoms present; or as Suspected COVID 19, when test result is awaited, but symptoms present.

    But government hospitals here are recording only cases of deaths, with COVID-19 positivity at the time of death. “Incidental COVID-19 is not taken as COVID – someone may have hypertension, diabetes or other co-morbidities and when we test for COVID-19, they may test positive. The presentation is that of a disease, but not of COVID-19,” says N. Muthuselvan, Dean of Krishnagiri government medical college hospital.

  12. UPDATE - Vaccine Deaths outnumber actual COVID desease deaths in USA for 2 WEEKS RUNNING!! !

  13. "No SYMPTOMS of Covid were necessary to certify a death from COVID. The test was the ONLY criteria".

    Quote: Federal and state governments ... say that in order for a death to be counted as a COVID-19 death, the disease had to have played a role.

    "Vaccine Deaths outnumber actual COVID disease deaths in USA for 2 WEEKS RUNNING!!"

    It's actually ZERO weeks running.

  14. "Their deaths wouldn't have been recorded".

    RECORDED being the key word. "The deaths would't have OCCURRED" is how that sentence would read except for YOUR double standards. I apply the SAME standard, which is "would the death have occurred".

  15. lol!

    COVID-19 is documented as the underlying cause of death (UCOD) when an RT-PCR test is positive – with or without typical COVID-19 symptoms

    Die from the Vaccine, you're officially a COVID-19 Death because the RT-PCR test WILL COME BACK POSITIVE.

  16. The only reason the VAERS Vaccine deaths outnumber Covid deaths is because they've BENN HIDING THE VAERS VACCINE DEATH DATA TIL NOW.

  17. "Federal and state governments ... say that in order for a death to be counted as a Covid-19 death, the disease had to have played a role".

  18. ...and in order to determine if it played a role, there's the PCR test....

    in the department of redundancy department.

  19. When determining whether COVID–19 played a role in the
    cause of death, follow the CDC clinical criteria for evaluating a
    person under investigation for COVID–19 and, where possible,
    conduct appropriate laboratory testing using guidance provided
    by CDC or local health authorities

    from CDC Guidance on Underlying Cause of Death Reporting.

  20. So what? "conduct appropriate laboratory testing" doesn't mean that if the test is positive then that will be listed as the cause of death. It's a starting point in determining cause of death. If you want to determine if someone died from covid they're obviously going to confirm the person had covid.

  21. I'll 'splain it one last time..."COVID-19 is documented as the underlying cause of death (UCOD) when an RT-PCR test is positive – with or without typical COVID-19 symptoms

  22. The test isn't the "starting point". It's the ONLY point.

  23. Follow the money. If you PAY THEM, they will come....

    Figure 1 illustrates the death count from Covid-19. These data are based on death certificates. If the death certificate includes Covid-19, then the death is included whether or not Covid-19 was the primary or even contributing cause of death. The problems with these data are uncertainties about how many deaths are merely associated with Covid-19 rather than caused by Covid-19.

    These uncertainties are not helped by the fact that many of these patients are cared for at university medical centers, the death certificates are often filled out by resident physicians in training, and these resident physicians receive no formal training on how to fill out the certificates. These uncertainties are not helped by the fact that the hospital receives a bonus payment for patients who have the ICD-10 diagnostic code for Covid which is included in the problem list for every patient with a positive PCR test. Therefore, a financial incentive exists to perform PCR testing on every patient and label every patient with a positive PCR test as having Covid-19.

  24. I'll 'splain it one last time...."COVID-19 is documented as the underlying cause of death (UCOD) when an RT-PCR test is positive – with or without typical COVID-19 symptoms".

    You have explained this delusion many times. I very seriously doubt this will be the last time.

  25. Read. It does not say what you claim.

    Quote: "Not all conditions present at the time of death have to be reported — only those conditions that actually contributed to death. ... If COVID–19 played a role in the death, this condition should be specified on the death certificate".

    QED, if covid did not play a role (traffic accident, for example) it wouldn't even be on the death certificate.

  26. ...and if you test positive for Covid, it played a role. Is Covid listed on traffic accident deaths? In many cases, yes.

  27. Fail. The article you cited lists traffic accident fatalities being reported as Covid deaths as a "hypothetical." Not that it has ever happened. The same article goes on to read that most Covid deaths aren't reported at all...

  28. Even Trump eventually stopped calling Covid 19 a "hoax" after he killed Herman Cain with it.

  29. You didn't listen to all the CDC officials in the video at the link stating just how "perfectly acceptable" counting a traffic death as COVID related would be.
