Friday, May 14, 2021

Did You Know How Badly Biden Broke US Immigration Policy?


  1. Tony Payan, director of the Center for the United States and Mexico at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, wrote [in March] that "the current situation at the border is neither a unique crisis nor the result (yet) of Biden’s policy changes".

    Other immigration experts... agree that "the current increase in apprehensions fits a predictable pattern of seasonal changes in undocumented immigration combined with a backlog of demand because of 2020's coronavirus border closure". It's "not a surge".

    All three experts we spoke with told us there may be a perception that the Biden administration is more welcoming to migrants, but "Biden has not significantly changed operations at the border since Trump as of yet"...

    Title 42 is a public health law the Trump administration began invoking in March 2020 to immediately expel, due to the coronavirus pandemic, those apprehended on the southern border. In November, a federal judge ordered a halt to such deportations of minors. While the Biden administration has continued to use the law to expel adults and some families, it has stopped expelling children. (excerpted from "The Facts on the Increase in Illegal Immigration").

    It was Dotard Donald who broke the US immigration system. President Joe Biden is cleaning up the mess Dotard Donald created.

  2. Isn't refreshing to know that the Pseudostinians are getting so much BANG for their American buck?

  3. How much "bang" can imaginary "Pseudostinians" get for zero bucks?

  4. Maybe you should ask their Iranian Hezbollah sponsors? I'm sure as long as UNWRA is still around pushing money through the spigots that they'll always be able to draw upon a generous line of credit.

  5. I'd be more interested in asking your family members why they have yet to get you the mental health care assistance you desperately need. Might be because they don't love you?

  6. UNRWA condemns all forms of terrorism and violent extremism. As a neutral and impartial UN agency providing humanitarian assistance, UNRWA has a legal framework for operations that safeguards UN neutrality vis-à-vis staff, third parties, including partners, use of UNRWA installations and the provision of assistance to beneficiaries.

    The Agency's adherence to neutrality means that there are restrictions on the provision of assistance to any person named on the United Nations Security Council Consolidated List, which includes the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List. Regular checks of names of all UNRWA staff, registered Palestine refugees, microfinance loan recipients, suppliers and other payees are conducted against the United Nations Security Council Consolidated List.

  7. You laugh because you hate your family members and don't want their love?

  8. I laugh because you've oblivious to taqiya.

  9. No, unlike you, I'm not a paranoid racist who hates everyone different than myself. btw, if President Joe Biden is funding terrorism by reinstating UNRWA funding, how do you explain the fact that gwb also funded UNRWA? I know Dotard Donald's defunding of UNRWA is more in line with your hate, but that all republicans are better than Democrats at handling the ME situation is what Dinesh D'Souza argued in the YouTube you linked to. Even though past republican presidents were also "oblivious to taqiya"? That doesn't make any sense.

  10. GWB was a globalist. The globalists have been "locking in" unsettled wars with money and stalemates since the UN's founding. How'd Korea turn out?

    And if I could be Muslim, I would. It's the closest thing to my "ideals" as is present in the modern "capitalist" world. Corporations are greatly restrained under Sharia law.

  11. I was referring to the Dinesh D'Souza video you linked to. By linking to it I assumed you agreed with what he said. Which is that republican presidents are better at handling the Israel/Palestine situation. gwb was a republican president. And part of how he handled the situation was to fund UNRWA.

    btw, there is nothing stopping you from converting to Islam. "if I could be Muslim, I would" = bullplop.

  12. You're the one who expressed interest in converting to Islam. I don't give a shit, so why should you be sorry? Are you sorry for writing something incredibly stupid ("if I could be Muslim, I would")? You do that ALL THE TIME and never regret it. Why start now?

  13. I'm a deist. Deists don't have "prophets" or pray. But then again, what do you know about religions? They're all the same in your book.

    You knew I wasn't a Christian. So why would I convert to a related cult that instead of incarnating a god, reduces him to a prophet for one?

  14. You wrote "if I could be Muslim, I would", not me.

  15. And you think I can, knowing that I hold Islam in almost as much contempt as I hold Christianity?

  16. No. You hold it in greater contempt. Why would you hold Christianity in contempt? Dotard is (or says he is) a Christian. The evilvangelicals adore him. Though (to you) I suppose they are more useful idiots (like Mystere). What does that say about your movement (that it is comprised of mostly useful idiots instead of like-minded allies)?

  17. I hold all who advocate world domination in contempt, don't you? That's a moral position, not a epistemological one. Islam, in that respect, is truer to epistemology. The world is "will to power".

  18. Christians haven't imposed their religion (sometimes with force) on native populations around the world for centuries? The crusades didn't involves Christians traveling to the "holy land" to kill Muslims? Who knew? The history books must all be wrong.

  19. The Pope, his cardinals and bishops are all currently telling people (or previously have done so in the past 500 years) to conquer the world and impose Christianity? Who knew? Muslims occupying parts of the Holy Lands aren't currently killing any Christians or Jews or advocating same? Who knew? The Grand Mufti isn't calling for jihad? Whos knew?

  20. The Pope, his cardinals and bishops are all currently telling people (or previously have done so in the past 500 years) to conquer the world and impose Christianity?

    Christian Supremacists are :P

    btw, "In the Islamic tradition, jihad has several different components, including personal struggles, such as the fight against an addiction; social struggles, such as the struggle to become tolerant of others; and occasionally a military struggle, if and when necessary, but only in self-defense".

  21. Allah had personal addictions when he wrote about jihad? Was f'ing ten year old girls one of them?

  22. O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand [in other words, "do not understand totalitarian ideologies like Islam"]
