Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Harrison Bergeron


  1. "A person with persecutory delusions is unable to recognize reality. They strongly believe people or groups, like the government, intend to harm them. These beliefs are often unrealistic or bizarre. Persecutory delusions frequently appear in mental health disorders, like schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder".

  2. Was Harrison Bergeron Black? Given his description as "a genius and an extraordinarily handsome, athletic, strong, and brave person", he sounds more like a a member of the master race to me.

  3. Seems to me that everyone should personally strive to become exceptional You disagree? Refinement isn't a valid pursuit?

  4. Sounds like you're justifying your hatred to me. Anyone (who, in your opinion) isn't "striving to become exceptional" can be looked down on by you. btw, the "master race" is exceptional due to genes. tRump believes this and has praised himself many times because of his "good genes". You disagree?

  5. Given your prior comments (about Blacks not being generally as smart as Whites) I think you do put a lot of stock in this kind of White Supremacist type of thinking.

  6. You miss the point entirely. Were blacks to adopt the ethic of exceptionalism, they could lay claim the being a master race in no time. But they haven't the ethic because "white supremacists" will inevitably keep them down... and it's that myth that keep them down... YOUR myth. So who are these mythical white supremacists who would immediately get smacked down if ever they were to appear? They're the ones who claim the moral authority to smack them, of course.

  7. All those chains that Harrison Bergeron wears are mythical chains applied by white liberals to keep them from improving their minds.

  8. White Supremacists didn't march in Charlottesville? It was only "very fine people"? I thought you said Dotard Donald DID condemn the White Supremacists and that Joe Biden lied? But how could Dotard have condemned people who don't exist?

  9. If Charlottesville represents the full extent of white power/ supremacy, then white power is almost completely dead and has been rapidly dying for nearly half a century. What did they win in Charlottesville? What happened to the statues they were saving and the immigrants that wouldn't replace the marchers?

  10. this is white supremacy? Look at Table 3 and tell me where all the "white people" are coming from?

  11. In 2019 with Trump at his prime powers, only 8.5% of the 1.127 million new immigrants to the US came from Europe.

  12. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist ~ Charles Baudelaire.

    This explain why you continually deny White Supremacism. To fight an evil you have to first acknowledge that it exists.

  13. Nobody who really loves another person would try and hide their imperfections and faults from them, especially if their we're easy correctives available to them.

  14. I acknowledge that the evil is represented by White Supremacists (aka people like you). I'm not a White Supremacist.

  15. I'm pretty sure that you're their number 1 recruiter.

  16. I'm pretty sure I'm not. Maybe you're thinking of yourself.

  17. I'm not the one creating imaginary white racist foes to battle in the name of "goodness" thereby stoking anti-white racism.

  18. You'll never break a vicious cycle that way.

  19. Makiyah Bryant shooting, racist cop? lol!

  20. I didn't say anything about Makiyah Bryant. That was a split second decision, unlike the 9+ minute decision Chauvin made to murder George Floyd. Though I don't know why non-deadly force couldn't have been used re someone with a knife. As far as I know the identity of the officer hasn't been revealed.

    I don't need to create "imaginary white racist foes to battle". There are plenty of real ones. fyi, opposition to racism isn't racism itself. Though I acknowledge that IS your moronic narrative.

  21. I don't know why non-deadly force couldn't have been used re someone with a knife...

    ...Not from 50' away, hence the bullets.

  22. Lethal force is your favorite kind of force. He must have forgotten his taser.

  23. Also, when shooting (as opposed to tasering) a Black suspect, it's best to shoot multiple times. Just to be sure the rampaging animal (as per the "brute" stereotype) is "put down". Could explain why Makiyah Bryant was shot 4 times. Also why Andrew Brown Jr was shot 5 times (including one to the back of the head) and Michael Brown was shot 6 times (including 1 to the head as well). The more bullets, the better. To be certain the suspect is killed and not just wounded.

  24. Taser's can penetrate glass, kevlar, and car doors? Who knew?

    Try and grab a cops gun, and you shouldn't be surprised when it gets fired at you.

  25. ...and you shouldn't be surprised if the cop empties his magazine, as TRAINED.
