Monday, April 5, 2021



  1. Only your fake facts are racist. Real facts aren't.

  2. Like the number of murders by black, of blacks, in Chicago last week? LOL!

  3. Where are the cries for justice.... to "say their names"? Don't black lives matter?

  4. To you they ONLY matter as a talking point when it's Blacks killing other Blacks. When it's the police doing the killing it is ALWAYS justified.

  5. Because Police are obligated to respond to the very stupidity of action (ie- resisting arrest) you ALWAYS ignore.

  6. You ignore the fact that there is no law saying "resisting arrest" is a crime punishable by an instant death penalty.

  7. And like all word-heroes, you avoid anything and everything which might induce you to transfer your energies from mere verbosity to really serious things. Policemen also have not the luxury of your 20-20 Epimethian hindsights

  8. Just remember this the next time that you are out observing your "affirmative- virtue-signaling" practices as related to "racist" fact's...

    "Every really productive thing is offensive." - Nietzsche

  9. ...cuz Lord knows, you wouldn't ever want to "offend" anyone.

  10. It isn't "productive" to murder suspects... then pay millions for a wrongful death claim. Or millions on a trial of a killer police officer. fyi, I never claimed to be any kind of hero. And who am I "virtue signaling" to? You?

  11. You're virtue signaling to yourself, lest your ego-ideal discover what a little sh*t you really are.

  12. You should read Nietzsche's critique of Strauss. It describes you and your surrounding world of cultural philistines to a tee.

  13. I say YOU are (lack of) virtue signaling to yourself. It allows you to justify being the sh*t you are... even take pride in it.

  14. Unlike yours, mine are the classical virtue(s) which are also distinct from the catholic cardinal virtue(s).

    And also unlike you, I know what it means to be "virtuous". :)

  15. least in the Spartan/Laconic "Acta non Verba" sense. :)

  16. Of course. Though I'd prefer to not know than to embrace White Supremacist "virtues".

  17. Classical virtues are white supremecist? The Greeks were all racists? All those white slaves. Who knew?

  18. You're the one who cites a supposed belief in "classical virtues" as proof that you can't be a White Supremacist. Yet you are.

    Speaking of other ACTUAL White Supremacists.

  19. That's a white supremacist? A man who advocates racial separation and not subjugation? Not very "supreme" in my opinion. More "Lincolnesque". Send them to Liberia! lol!

  20. Wasn't Michelle Obama a racial separatist in her college thesis? Doesn't that make her a Black Supremacist, in your definitional realm?

  21. Not as far as I know (and I seriously doubt it). Is your source the liar Dinesh D'Souza?

  22. No, it's her thesis. I read it. Twice.

  23. I haven't read it. Although I have read her autobiography. Her husband was president of all of America, not just Black America. She was First Lady of all of America, not just Black America.

  24. Indeed, something the conclusions from her thesis would have deemed "impossible".

  25. Two steps forward, one step back. The Dotard presidency was a big step back. Given that the republican party has now fully embraced White Supremacy, to question whether or not we will ever make it to "the promised land" is a legitimate question.

  26. In their new found "war against racism," Journalism has fully embraced the noble lie of the white racist impediment. That's the only step backward.

  27. Like the NAZI's... "if only we could get rid of Jews, our society would be perfect!, socialists now believe that "if only we could rid ourselves of racists, black live would matter!"

  28. Black lives can only matter if white police racism is eradicated? Whoda thunkit?

    Your whole identity and sense of worth is now based upon an evil being present in "others."

  29. That's your lie -- That it's actually the oppressors who are the ones being oppressed. aka "white working class cultural genocide". Also, you're the one afraid of "others". Remember you wanted a magical wall to keep them out?

  30. You're not afraid of the racists and white supremacists? You sure blog a lot about them.

  31. Your White Supremacist fellow travelers aren't going to commit any more acts of domestic terrorism in retaliation for the "theft" of the 2020 election by Joe Biden? If so, it's good news that you've accepted Joe Biden's legitimate win.

  32. They wouldn't be acts of domestic terrorism were they successful.
