Monday, March 29, 2021

Were the Colorado Shootings Retaliation for Biden's Bombing of Syria?

Remember the Syria bombing? Or has it already been flushed out of your short-term memory hole without a stop in long-term memory?


  1. You can't read the guys mind? Your powers experiencing a first-time glitch? You must not want to hear the answer...

  2. I would have guessed that it was you doing the mind reading. Except for the fact that the perp is a Muslim who was born in Syria. Which defacto means his motive was revenge. Obviously he's a fan of the Iran-backed Iraqi militias. As opposed to having mental problems.

  3. When did he buy the guns he used? Check the date. Should be pretty easy to determine the day he decided to become an active jihadi.

  4. it takes a few weeks to get the weapons transferred.

  5. If he were a jihadist he would say. He's going to prison either way. If his cause was jihad he would want the public to know.

    btw, re the Tony Heller video, there is no "Camel-la Harris administration". There is no such person as "Camel-la Harris" let alone a "president Camel-la Harris".

  6. Uh oh, better call the pc pronunciation police!

  7. There is no Kamala Harris (comma-la) administration or Kamala Harris presidency either. Maybe in 8 years.

  8. Kamchatka Harris will never be "elected" to anything in the future. Too much money coming into her accounts through the Bank of China.

  9. Zero isn't "too much". btw, Dotard Donald got "elected" while the Chinese money rolled in.

  10. You mean Trump's real estate "loans"? Is Kamala taking out Chinese loans? Oh wait, maybe like most Democrats, she's keeping it in the family... like the Pelosi's.

  11. Oh, wait, didn't Emhoff withdraw temporarily? I wonder is he's still getting his average "partner" equity share from the 3rd largest law global law firm in the US...

    DLA Piper is a multinational law firm with offices in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.[1] In 2014, it had total revenues of US$2.48 billion and average profit per equity partner of US$1.490 million,[2] and was the third largest law firm in the United States as measured by revenue

  12. So... zero money from China. As confirmed by you. Quite unlike Dotard Donald.

  13. Clients in 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East don't use the bank of China.

  14. The linked to article doesn't say anything about bribes from China to Doug Emhoff for political influence via his wife.

  15. Bribes? DLA Piper are paid lobbyists for China.

  16. ...and Doug Emhoff get's his $1.5m annual partner's share from them.

  17. The article doesn't have anything to do with lobbying.
