Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Progressive Liberalism's "White Savior" Complex...

 ...and how every progressive liberal I know virtue signals this "Ego Ideal" in social media.


  1. Hmmm... the video mentions how Spike Lee's BlackKlansman ties the racism of the past to the racism of today... aka the election of the White Supremacist predisent, Dotard. So you now admit Dotard is a racist after continually denying it for four years?

  2. Nope, just getting you to catch a glimpse of your own "white superiority".

  3. LOL. Unlike you, I don't view myself as superior due to my White skin. Also, unlike you, I am in complete agreement with the entire video. Including the portion about racism being a problem to this day... proven by the fact that White Americans voted bigly for a racist, White-Supremacist-supported, incompetent orange turd.

  4. Biden's been eating Cheetos? Who knew?

  5. The *Presnit is saving Black America from Dr. Seuss now! What a guy! Where would the AA Community be today without their saviors?

  6. ps - If I see racism, I Must call it out, so "here's to calling you out", Dervy!

  7. Calling me out regarding what? I said I agreed with the video. And PRESIDENT Joe Biden had nothing to do with the publisher deciding to withdraw several Dr Seuss books.

  8. Biden cancelled Dr. Seuss ENTIRELY from National Book Appreciation Day and Book Reading month. Thanks for telling the NEA to drop the most polular children's author of all time, Joe.

  9. PRESIDENT Joe Biden did not "cancel" Dr. Suess. Quote: "Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush did not make any Read Across America Day proclamations".

    There are MANY other children's book authors. I don't know why not specifically mentioning Dr. Suess would mean "Biden sure must hate new minority readers". Minority readers can still read Dr. Suess or any other author they want to. Nobody is stopping them. What an incredibly stupid thing to write.

  10. The entire focus of Read Across America Day used to be Dr. Seuss... but Biden and his Deep State NEA advisors have "cancelled" him. Children are no longer encouraged to enjoy books which were for DECADES an early readers introduction to books. Sad. White Saviors destroying reading so that they can pretend that there was never any racism in America... and ironically from the President who's party the Ku Klux Klan emerged from and must therefore cover up their culpability. *shakes head*

  11. No, it wasn't and no they did not. Nobody is pretending there never was racism. You pretend there isn't currently racism. Except on the Left. When it was the KKK who voted for Dotard. Because the "GOP" is the party of White Supremacy.

  12. What's the point of banning Seuss books then? Who the FUCK do you think is being offended? Seven year old Asian kids? They love the books.

    No, this about white progressives playing white savior games so they can feel good about themselves and signal their "virtuosity".

  13. 7 year old Asian kids love Asian stereotypes? I seriously doubt it. Also no books were banned. The Geisel estate withdrew them. Are Theodore Geisel's heirs liberals? I have no idea. I doubt you do. You might not want to find out least it clashes with your BS narrative. Times change. Over 50 Dr Seuss books are still available for kids of all ethnicities to read and enjoy. Including all the popular titles (as opposed to these lesser works that likely were not big sellers anyway). You think people are clamoring for these books? Maybe you should buy them up and make bank.

  14. Stereotypes hold no truths? Then how'd the word "type" enter? 7 year old Asians literally are "smarter than you." They know a dumb baizuo when they see one.

  15. ps- And EBay has "cancelled" the sale of 6 Dr. Seuss books on its; platform, but you can probably still get Mao's Little Red Book or Marx's Das Kapital.

  16. Maybe I could, but I don't want to. And why would a 7 year old Asian-American even know that word? I say it's more likely than not that they wouldn't.

  17. Also, I have as much control over what eBay allows for sale on their site as I have control over what the Giesel heirs decide to do re publishing of Dr Suess books... NONE. I never even said if I thought the decision was wrong or right. Yet you attack me as somehow complicit anyway. And claim (with no proof at all) that 7 year old Asian kids love Asian stereotypes.

  18. I'm sure that the replacement Chinese children books written by ethnic Chinese authors and promoting Chinese Supremacy will imitate Seuss by inventing wonderful new words like baizuo to replace 'nerd'.

  19. I'm not sure. You're sure because hating others is in your nature. Instead of a children's book called "everybody poops", yours would be "everybody hates".

  20. Who is "they"? What is it that "they" don't? Who knew? I don't know. I'd have to know wtf you're talking about first to be able to venture a guess.

  21. everybody.

    Now you can claim that Jesus didn't, but then He wasn't exactly human, was He?

  22. To be prejudiced is human nature. Some people acknowledge that and try to do better. Others embrace their prejudices and call it "culture". Then cry that "genocide" is being inflicted upon them when called on their racism.

  23. ...and still others require only members of their own preference type (an no others) to prove their own tolerance by pretending to be mind readers and throwing their own with "perceived impure tolerant thoughts" under buses in the name of tolerance and their virtuous intolerance of intolerance.
