Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Do You Have Vaccess?


  1. Re "Garrison is back after he ruined the entire country"... They used Garrison as a stand-in for Dotard. aka South Park is saying Donald tRump ruined the country.

  2. They don't even mention our *presnit. Yuck...yuck...yuck.

  3. tRump was replaced by Garrison, so he doesn't even exist in South Park world.

  4. >Is it wrong to compare Trump to Hitler? No. Many people find it offensive to use the Holocaust as a yardstick for the political excesses of the last four years that culminated in the storming of Washington on Jan. 6. They believe that to mention Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler in the same breath ... disrespects the millions of innocent victims and survivors, diminishing the enormity of the Nazis' crimes.

    As a son of Holocaust survivors and a grandson of four murdered Jews, I might be expected to agree. But I do not. I think Trump's ability to incite followers under the banner of white nationalism has enabled us to better understand Hitler's sway over the Germans ... This is not to suggest that Trump would have become another Hitler, or that Trumpism is equatable to Nazism. But we now have a clearer understanding of the darker side of human nature.

  5. Blah, blah white... racism...blah, blah, blah. Hitler... Jews... blah, blah, blah.

  6. Blah, blah voter fraud... asterix... blah, blah, blah Biden has dementia... Mario Kart... blah, blah, blah.

  7. Blah, blah, blah..."orange man". Blah, blah, blah... "dotard". Blah, blah, blah..."Biden is *presnit now".

  8. Donald tRump never blamed Barack Obama for any of his administration's problems? (re your comment "Biden is president now"). Who knew? I thought he spent his entire presidency not accepting responsibility for anything.

  9. Biden couldn't make a hard decision if his life (or the countries) depended upon it.

  10. President Biden makes hard decisions every day. Dotard (when he was predisent) made them, but when they didn't work out (which was often) shifted blame elsewhere. Number of times Joe Biden has blamed the "deep state" or "fake news" so far? Zero.

  11. Number of time he blamed Trump? lol!

  12. It's a big job, so mistakes will likely be made. Though you cite none. Certainly FAR FAR fewer than the prior guy.

  13. Not having a plan to distribute the vaccines. One of MANY.

  14. There was no infrastructure for vaccine distribution before Biden took office? How did people get their influenza vaccines?

  15. Oh, wait, there was no plan of vaccine triage giving government total control over its' distribution so that it could withhold the vaccine from "undesirables" like Trump voters. Okay, I get it now.

  16. Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan. (excerpt) There was no distribution plan for the coronavirus vaccine set up by the Trump administration as the virus raged in its last months in office, new President Joe Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, said on Sunday. "The process to distribute the vaccine, particularly outside of nursing homes and hospitals out into the community as a whole, did not really exist when we came into the White House", Klain said on NBC's Meet the Press. (Reuters. 1/24/2021).

    As for your absurd conspiracy theory about withholding vaccines from Dotard voters -- it's available to everyone who wants it. The low-information and conspiracy theory tinfoil hat wearers don't want it. The smart republicans do. Why wealthy donors are cheating to butt ahead in line.

  17. Wow. Vaccines never made it into arms before Joe. But wasn't Joe vaccinated before taking office? How is that possible?

  18. Joe Biden is in the age category of those who got it first. He was also the Democratic nominee (a person who would have received the vaccine regardless of age).

  19. You mean the Trump vaccination distribution plan got Biden his vaccine, but prevented me from getting one? Whoddah thunkit? Seems the Biden plan is the Trump plan...

  20. How can you be "prevented" from receiving something you don't want? I got my vaccine Tuesday. Thank you, President Biden. fyi, the vaccine distribution plan has to do with getting the vaccine to millions of people, not getting it to 2 people.
