Saturday, March 20, 2021

2021... 2020 Redux?


  1. "Reality doesn't matter anymore" is the republican credo. That's how you can claim (and believe) that Dr Suess is cancelled and that his books are being burned.

  2. .....and how you cam believe that they are not.

  3. Easily. I don't suffer from rightwing delusions.

  4. All of them. They drive your entire false narrative to the point that you've become nothing but the narrative. There are no facts that you claim are important except those that support it.

  5. You embrace All the trumper-right false narratives. They drive your entire false narrative to the point that you've become nothing but the narrative. There are no facts that you claim are important except those that support it.

  6. You don't wrap yourself in racial victimology? lol!

  7. So all those black people don't need your "White Saviour" help? Who knew?

  8. No. Black people don't need White saviors, they need White allies.

  9. Is that you? Cuz I'm a white doesn't give a f*ck and ain't messin' in their business.

  10. You mess in their business to thwart their objectives.

  11. lol! What objectives? Self-destruction?

  12. Of opportunity or result? Because men are inherently unequal and applying it to outcomes is unjust in the extreme.

  13. I can see where this is going. I say "equality of opportunity" and you say we already have it. Which isn't true. You lie because you're worried about the "unjustness" of losing your White Supremacy.

  14. lol! Affirmative action ensures that I don't have equality of opportunity. Yours is a system of "systemic racism".

  15. Quote: "I have both a BS and an MS degree".

    You're saying now that you lied? Those are only degrees you think you could have achieved had you not been "discriminated" against?

  16. Black people re education all get free rides? Must be why Dotard said he'd rather be an educated Black. They have all the advantages. At least it seems that's the narrative some racists like to spin. That it's White who are actually the racial group being oppressed. Re your white working class "cultural genocide" BS.

  17. There aren't any "diversity" scholarships? It stopped being a magic word, like "black farmer" or "indigenous" grant.?
