Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Politics of Resentment...

 ...why does Leftism REQUIRE a domestic scapegoat? Because the Unseen Enemy is ALWAYS "within"!

...and ultimately, familiarity breeds CONTEMPT!


  1. The politics of resentment was Dotard's platform. It is what attracted you to him. Blaming "the other" for your problems. Again you TRY to flip the script and blame the other side for EXACTLY what you do. Just like you TRY to blame Democrats for racism. It's transparently ridiculous.

  2. I'm not the one trying to commit cultural genocide with cancel culture.

  3. Have you apply for your "gas company" liason job at Auswitz yet?

  4. I'd need learn German, get phony German citizenship papers, then hop in a time machine to apply for that job. Read the title of the video you linked to, which is beyond stupid. No need to watch.

  5. Better get an Argentinian passport too, while you're at it.

  6. No movie about me is ever coming out. I'm not anyone's savior. And you didn't notice that the fake trailer is a comedy bit by one of the late night TV joke men that you hate? btw, domestic terrorists aren't victims.

  7. So you're finally embracing the label (domestic terrorist)? Honesty. That's a first.

  8. Finally? I've never engaged in any activities that fit that description. Or, unlike you, said I "understood" them. I voted for Joe Biden and am not a part of the whiny, crybaby, sore-loser faction that embraces lies about the election being stolen -- and are willing to engage in (or accept) violence because you lost. Honesty from you? I don't ever expect it.

  9. Committing cultural genocide against another white culture isn't domestic terrorism? The tradition of Northern carpetbaggers sh*tting on the antebellum South started in 1861 continues....

  10. Not supporting racist culture makes me a decent person, not a "terrorist". What moronic framing. Why shouldn't the antebellum South be shat upon? Slavery benefited the rich White slave owner, not the poor average southerner. The system was classist in addition to being racist. Yet you CLAIM to be on the side of the White working class.

  11. And now those same "classist" rich Northern Bostonian scum (like pShaw) spend their days promoting the shaming of working class Southern Whites, blaming them for slavery's sins instead of those who profited from the Slave Trade through lower raw material and transportation costs (aka - Northern carpetbaggers). They are simply White Hanjian racists posing as White Saviors. They, and people like you who defend them, disgust me.

  12. ps - I'm a working class Marylander/ Southerner. Don't lecture ME about white peoples responsibility for racism, because it was the rich of all colours who profited and who used slavery to suppress MY wages.

  13. You need to pick a lie and stick with it. Now you say your wages have been suppressed, yet earlier you claimed you would get no stimulus check because your wages were too high. And Southern working class ignorant White racists SHOULD be shamed. To continue hating their fellow working class brothers and sisters, only because their skin is a different color, is monumentally stupid. When working class people of all races should unite to fight the wealthy masters. Divide and conquer works due to such stupidity. Why Dotard ran on a platform of racism... he is a rich man who was always for the rich man at the expense of the poor man. He hates minorities too, but wealth is what is most important to him (why he'd meet with rich African American celebrities).

  14. CPAC is run by republicans. They hired the (supposedly) liberal firm and approved the design. "Yes, we see your design resembles a Nazi symbol, the Othala Rune, and like it very much". That's what I'm guessing happened. In any case, there is no such thing as truth, only propaganda (according to your Nietzsche quote). QED it doesn't matter if that is what happened. The FACT remains that the CPAC stage resembled a Nazi symbol. Clearly it was a shout-out to their White Supremacist base.

  15. Which explains the "surprise" of the liberal design agency. lol!

  16. Did they make a mistake or are they taking the blame so as not to lose future business? "The client is always right".

    "You want your stage to resemble a Nazi hate symbol? OK, you got it. You need us to take the blame and say it was our idea? OK, you got it. We'll just pretend it was an accident".

  17. ...and ruin their woke business reputation? Highly unlikely.
