Monday, February 22, 2021

Louisiana's Plan to Co-opt Democracy

....and select (through algorithmically pre-determined vote adjudication) your representatives for you!


  1. Why would republicans want to rig elections for Democrats? Such stupidity.

  2. The globalists don't just infest the Democrat Party.

  3. LOL! btw, there is no "Democrat Party". But, given your penchant for delusions, it's fitting that you direct your paranoia (in part) toward an imaginary party.

    fyi, Brian Kemp was (still is?) a strong Dotard supporter. If he were a globalist (explaining why he was in on/covered up the GA vote rigging for Joe Biden), wouldn't he be a Never-trumper?

  4. It's called the Democrat Party because there's only one member who believes in democracy... and I know it isn't you.

  5. ps - There are more than a single Decepticon at the RNC.

  6. You don't believe in democracy. By your own admission. Authoritarianism is incompatible with democracy. Brian Kemp a "Decepticon"? LOL.

  7. I certainly don't believe that there's a viable democracy in America anymore. The democracy part has been replaced with fraud.

  8. There is significant republican election fraud. What angers you is that it failed to secure a second term for Dotard.

  9. I could give a sh*t about Trumps 2nd term. What I care MORE about is that we have an unrepentant cheater in the White House.

  10. The unrepentant cheater left and is currently residing in Florida. Joe Biden (who won DESPITE republican cheating) is in the White House.

  11. Joe Biden is a placeholder *Presnit.

    They need to change the motto on the currency to "In Fraud We Trust".

  12. Joe Biden is the actual president.

    republican motto = in voter suppression we trust. It didn't work this time but republicans are busy passing new voter suppression laws so they can cheat their way to victory next time. Still, if you want to sit out voting, I say you absolutely should. I encourage all Dotard supporters to not vote in protest from now on.

  13. Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel letting Deep Staters run the country in his name.

  14. Only in your delusions. Dotard let the "deep staters" run the country. Proven by the fact that nearly everyone he hired turned out to be "deep state". LOL.

  15. Yes, Civil Servants even swear an oath to it.
