Thursday, January 28, 2021

Welcome to the New Democrat's Police State


  1. First Democrats were going to defund the police, now they want to increase the funding bigly in order to create a police state? Which is it? Also, Tulsi Gabbard is no longer in Congress. Is she a Fox Nooz contributor now?

  2. They're defunding local city police departments in favor of State and Federal Law Enforcers.

  3. ..and she'd make a great Fox contributor to balance shills like George Stephanopolous

  4. Tulsi supports the "right" of maga terrorists to spread disinformation and plan attacks using social media platforms. No wonder you agree with her. btw, George Stephanopoulos doesn't work for Fox.

  5. Fox is the only Source of politically biased media and Clinton's former aid isn't biased? Who knew?

  6. There is a difference between being politically biased and knowingly lying to advance your political agenda. Fake news outlets like OAN knowingly lie. QAnon is a bigly liar.

  7. If true, you would have no problem inundating OAN with liable cases, proving them in Court, and shutting them down via bankruptcy. So why haven't you? lol!

  8. Why hasn't anyone on the right done that in regards to news outlets labeled "fake" by Dotard?

  9. Because corrupt establishment shills at Google/Facebook and Twitter's MiniTru keep labelling their sources "fake" and then deleting the evidence.

  10. Maybe Dominion will shut down OAN and other election liars for defaming them. LOL!
