Sunday, January 10, 2021

The New Left finally takes "Acta non Verba" to Heart?

I really need to start following  #FraudSquad...


  1. "All those things the justice Democrats say they're going to do, we're actually going to do them". LOL. Jimmy Dore for king! That's the position he need to achieve to act unilaterally. Sounds to me that he really wants to do is split the Progressive vote so the republican loses. I imagine you strongly support this (why you posted the video).

    Dotard started a new party? Who knew? I thought he ran as a republican.

  2. btw, if there is no difference between the parties (as Jimmy Dore says) why are republicans so worried about "socialism"? btw, I'm fine with Jimmy Dore pressuring Democrats to be more Progressive. If you support single payer, you should join Jimmy Dore's new party.

  3. Mitch McConnell REALLY cares about socialism? Who knew.

  4. He does need his Deep State Neocon support I suppose.
