Friday, January 22, 2021

The Clown Show Begins


  1. Who cares about the LIVES of citizens? We're on the verge of 500k deaths. Most of which you likely believe are fake (not caused by covid).

  2. ...But, but, but, what happened to Influenza? LOL!

  3. They died of influenza masked by covid false-positive pcr tests.

  4. ps - Save yourself some grief. Skip the covid vaccine this spring and get an influenza vaccine.

  5. CDC will be calling the epidemic over in a few weeks. Good thing Biden saved the world by signing those mandatory masks EOs...

  6. Think WHO will put Biden in for the medicine Nobel this fall?

    He sure follows his science!

  7. I am so glad the voters decided not to allow Dotard to finish destroying America. At least a majority of them (who decided American needed a real president again). So many dumb people. And America-haters. Which are you?

    Bloomberg: U.S. influenza infections are at a record low, mostly because of the use of masks, social distancing and other efforts to slow a national surge in Covid-19 cases. ... It's also possible that coronavirus could be crowding out other viruses...

  8. The orange-faced clown show has been canceled, btw.

  9. Joe Biden is highly experienced. Unlike the incompetent former occupant of the White House. Tony Heller is full of shit. Also a White Supremacist, apparently. Given his excitement re Dotard's proposed White Supremacist party.

  10. Fake news. Snopes says FALSE. Quote: [the Democrats] nominated... John W. Davis, who, in contrast to his GOP counterpart, Calvin Coolidge, would take a strong stand against the KKK during the presidential campaign.
