Wednesday, December 30, 2020

More Votes than Voters in PA...


  1. In a non-hacked election with cumulative vote results automatically being updated and reported directly, is it possible for a candidates cumulative vote total to ever go down?

    Has Snopes answered?

  2. btw - What SNOPES HAS proven is that Pennsylvania has FALSELY certified election results before receiving all the required vote information.

  3. it possible for a candidates cumulative vote total to ever go down?

    That is the Dotard campaign's goal, is it not? To get as many votes tossed as possible? Otherwise I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know why Snopes would respond to the the fact that republicans hate democracy. We all know they do, so... True.

    I also don't know how Snopes has proven that PA "falsely" certified it's results. In any case, your complaints (which I'm guessing involve proper procedures not being followed???) wouldn't change the results. Which were that Joe Biden won.

  4. btw, if the video you linked to wasn't manipulated to show something happening that didn't actually happen -- WHY wasn't it presented as evidence by Giuliani? Instead Giuliani goes to court in PA and says, "This is not a fraud case". Why U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann ruled that Dotard's legal team claims were "unsupported by evidence".

    If you supposedly have evidence but then fail to present it... I say the explanation HAS to be that your evidence won't hold up in court. Because it's bullshit and it's ONLY purpose is to fool the rubes (people like YOU). If not, explain to me why Rudy didn't submit that video as evidence?????????

  5. lol! You actually believe that the courts are/were examining evidence? BWAH!

  6. No. "Evidence" that isn't submitted can't be examined. Rudy told the courts there wasn't any evidence (with his failure to present any). You're going to continue to ignore that fact?
