Friday, October 16, 2020

The Great Reset...


  1. Why Dotard will lose. He is bankrupting America just like he bankrupted his casinos. He IS an enemy of the people. America's greatest enemy. We need to get rid of Dotard and his dangerous herd immunity strategy before hundreds of thousands of more Americans die.

  2. COVID shutdowns have bankrupted half of America's small businesses.

  3. Didn't Trump subsidize them because of China? LOL!

  4. No. Small farmers received a pittance. And what do you mean "because of China". China didn't impose tariffs, Dotard did.

  5. China followed through on their committed soy bean purchases? Who knew?

  6. They didn't. And why would they, given that Dotard is trying to shift the blame from himself to China -- saying they have to "pay" for what they've done (re the virus that Dotard ignored for months). The Dotard tariffs failed to get the desired results. Something the rest of us knew would happen. Because Dotard is a moron who doesn't know what he is doing.

  7. No. Why would he? I didn't say he did. I answered your question re China following through on the soybeans they told Dotard they would buy. They haven't. The tariffs (not on our farmer's soybeans, but on goods manufactured in China and shipped here) were supposed to pressure them into buying more of our goods/agricultural products.

  8. What do tariffs on Chinese goods have to do with small farmers?

  9. ..and why would they buy more of our products if we put tariffs on theirs?

  10. LOL. Apparently you don't understand how tariffs work. Or even how Dotard thought his tariffs were going to work (but didn't). Either way, I've had enough of your feigned (or genuine) stupidity on this subject. Trying to distract from my original point that the bulk of the subsidies went to Big Ag? Lame.

  11. ...or that the blame for Chinese not buying what they promised to buy on Trump?

  12. Why shouldn't Dotard be blamed for the failure of a deal he negotiated?
