Friday, October 9, 2020

Michelle Obama - Voter Bully


  1. I wonder if Dore would care (given that he is supposedly a Leftist) that he has bigly fans who are Dotard supporters. Probably not. To me it appears as though what's important to him is trashing moderate Democrats. Unless there are tons of other videos (which, of course you don't post) in which he goes after Dotard. From the ones you post however, I'm going to guess there isn't.

  2. Jimmy Dore has little respect for Trump. But unlike you, he occasionally leaves Plato's cave and makes a few intellectual observations in the sunshine.

  3. So (in addition to mostly railing against Democrats) Dore helps Dotard by supporting his false narrative that collusion with Russia was a "hoax"? Not in the sunshine, but in the shadows of Putin's lies. No wonder you're a fan. Have you sent him any money? You post enough of his videos.

  4. Proof, once more, that Putin is living rent-free in your deluded mind.

  5. Proof, once more, that I acknowledge facts and reject "alternative facts". Those are for deluded minds like yours.

  6. Selective facts... the very definition of the origins of confirmation bias. LOL!

  7. I agree. You're very good at using selective facts to make your case.

  8. Like the two pargraphs before "very fine people"? lol!

  9. Those paragraphs are total bullshit. The two sides at the rally were the racists and those opposing them. Dotard referred to TWO sides. Those two paragraphs refer to a third side (people there only to protest removal of the statues because they're history buffs). But ZERO people meeting that description were present. Those "on both sides" was a reference to the racists. WHY they took it that way. They heard the dog whistle. Yet you think lame excuses and denials should stop the rest of us from hearing the obvious. F*ck off.

  10. “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?”

  11. "...but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?"

    But there weren't. As for words not meaning shit. Right. Those words don't mean shit because what he says is a lie.

  12. The only people in Charlottesville upset about the confederate statues being torn down were white nationalists and racists? There are no Sons of Confederate Veterans who aren't both? lol!

    Take your bs to the dump and get rid of it Dervy. It doesn't fly anymore.

  13. YOUR BS is refuted by the SCV itself. They couldn't have been some of the "very fine people on both sides" re Charlottesville because they weren't there.

    The SCV's chief of heritage operations, Carl V. Jones: "the events in Charlottesville had nothing to do with us".

  14. lol! The SCV was fine with the statues being torn down? Who knew?

    btw - Is this a lie, too?

    btw - Is this a klansman? And is this one of YOUR very fine people?

  15. I quoted you someone in charge at SCV. They weren't there. The person in the image you linked to is wrong. If she thinks statues to White Supremacists are her "heritage" she's an idiot. I don't know what the context is of the second person's sign. They are related to someone who fought in WWII? You have a problem with someone proud to be a descendant of a member of "the greatest generation"? Perhaps due to your admiration for Hitler?

  16. lol! Were they there two-three months before in May? Did Antifa show up then to counter-protest? Is that when Spencer got the idea for the "Unite the Right" rally? And is that when the SCV backed out of an "official" presence? Did the SCV sue Charlottesville to keep the statues up? The entire August Charlottesville incident was preceded by the acts of many non-racist good/fine heritage loving people who just wanted the intolerant heritage hating city council to go 'f themselves.

  17. It was a good decision to back out/not associate themselves with who showed up. I don't know why you bring up this irrelative factoid, however. Dotard's comment concerned people who attended the Unite The Right rally. btw, if a lot of people agree with your position -- and those people are White Supremacists -- maybe you should rethink your position.

  18. According to binary Derv, EVERYONE who attended was EITHER a white supremacist OR Antifa/BLM supporter? No one just cared about the statues or maintaining community harmony? Then who got killed? A BLM/Antifa supporter?
