Monday, October 5, 2020

Journalism is Alive and Well, not in the USA, but in Australia...


  1. If her allegations are true (unlikely) she waited to long to tell her story. As per YOU, she gave her consent with her silence. Either way, it certainly appears as though this story is dead. If she were a Dotard accuser you'd be calling her a lying whore and agreeing with Dotard that she isn't his type (given what she looks like now).

  2. Wikipedia: "...apart from Reade, none of the women who came forward accused Biden of sexual assault or harassment, and instead characterized his form of touching as a matter of poor judgment, tone-deafness, and a lack of professionalism on Biden's part".

    Read the 3rd paragraph for details concerning her history of being less than honest. I don't know what her deal is, but I don't like it that she is trying hard to help a serial rapist get "elected" to a second term and denigrating a good man like Joe Biden.

  3. No Democrat Cloak of Gyges in Australia...

  4. Did your imaginary cloak prevent her from telling her story to OAN? I'm sure they'd be glad to feed her delusions.

    Anyway, given the week Dotard has had, I can see why you're trying to revive this story. It's over, Joe Biden will be the next president.

  5. There's no doubt that Joe Biden is the president of your heart, but he'll NEVER become president of the USA.

    And she has been on OAN. :)

  6. Figures. She thinks Dotard does deserve the presidency? Her opinion must be that sexual assault allegations don't matter unless they're her's. btw, that does it for me. Anyone who'd appear on OAN has zero credibility in my book.

    Unless republican state legislatures give their electors to Dotard (using the excuse that their popular vote has been corrupted), Joe Biden will win. Both the popular vote and the EC.

  7. Joe Biden couldn't get elected dogcatcher, much less president.

  8. You keep saying that. And yet Joe Biden was elected senator multiple times. As well as VP. He isn't running for "dog catcher". Dotard couldn't get "elected" president without cheating. He couldn't get elected CEO of any company. Everyone knows he filed for bankruptcy multiple times. btw, there is no way Dotard would get a security clearance if he held any other governmental position. The $400 million he owes to Putin makes him an extreme security risk. Even if Dotard isn't prosecuted after Joe Biden's election, he's facing foreclosure on his properties. LOL.

  9. Joe Biden is an unemployed and unemployable loser. If it weren't for Chinese payoff money, Joe and Hunter would be living in a cardboard box in Wilmington.

  10. Joe Biden, unlike Dotard, has released his tax returns. They should zero income from China. aka you're full of shit. Dotard is the one hiding where his money comes from (Putin).

  11. Sounds like Biden needs to be arrested for tax fraud, not listing his China and Ukrainian bribe income.

  12. He didn't list it because there wasn't any. Dotard is the one who is going to be charged for falsifying his tax returns.

  13. lol! That depends upon what year he must declare his profits/losses.

  14. It depends on if the returns were bullshit. Which Michael Cohen says they were. After Allen Weisselberg testifies I say it's over for Dotard.

  15. Where have you gone, Allen Weisenberg?
    Our nation turns its' lonely eyes to you..
    (June 2019)

  16. I don't know. You tell me. I do know it is hard to move forward with investigations when the AG is a corrupt toady. I've heard Barr has quashed a number of them (investigations Muller handed off).

  17. Barr was AG when Mueller ended his investigation. Quote: "What happened to the 12 redacted criminal referrals listed at the end of Mueller's report, as well as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) criminal referral for Trump adviser Erik Prince?".

  18. You want Trump to prosecute "process crimes"? THAT is precisely why Mueller's going to jail. :)
