Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter...

Kazaks! and Russians!  OH MY!



  1. Voted (in person) for Joe Biden yesterday. Living in TN my vote won't count toward Joe Biden's EC victory, but it will count toward his popular vote victory.

  2. Well, my vote doesn't count much here in the People's Republic of MD but to preserve the basket of local Republicanism that keeps idiots like you from rioting.

  3. So my vote actually isn't a "total throw away" like yours. :)

  4. I'm ready to f*ck up some Proud Boi, Boogaloo or other White Supremacist scum if Dotard tries to steal the election. I've got my "peaceful protest" shield ready. I've never looted before, but I do like free stuff.

  5. You have any idea how to join Antifa? I want to give some racist trumpers wood shampoos. I need to know if George Soros pays for the gear I'll need or if I have to buy that myself.

  6. Antifa wouldn't last 5 minutes in TN. But please, go ahead and start a chapter. :)

  7. Maybe he'll get you a job at his Chinese Money Laundry.

  8. I don't know how I could work someplace that doesn't exist.

  9. btw, what happened to his partner, Krystal? Clearly she wants Dotard to get a second term, so why isn't she helping her buddy sell this BS story?

  10. Your name really is Dervish? Your mother musta been some dizzy dame....

  11. A spokesman for James and Hunter Biden said no such episode ever occurred.

  12. Your link: There’s no evidence that Joe Biden used his power inappropriately or took action to benefit his relatives with respect to [their] ventures [capitalizing on the Biden name]. ... None of the ventures appear to have been runaway successes, and Biden's relatives have not been accused of criminal wrongdoing in their dealings.

  13. same link... “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”

    At the time, the senator was just months away from both assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and launching his second presidential bid. According to the executive, James Biden made it clear he viewed the fund as a way to take money from rich foreigners who could not legally give money to his older brother or his campaign account. “We've got investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash ready to invest in this company,” the executive remembers James Biden saying.

  14. "A spokesman for James and Hunter Biden said no such episode ever occurred".

  15. ...because no reporters will ask them in person.

  16. That's all it would take? In any case, it didn't happen. There were no "investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash". Quote... "None of the ventures appear to have been runaway successes".

    Also, the person saying that conversation happened is anonymous. As per Dotard, when the source is anonymous, they're just making it up.

  17. "None of the ventures appear to have been runaway successes".

    A conclusion reached in the absence of all the email evidence available today.

  18. Russia planted two convicted Hunter Biden associates and related emails? How daibolical!

  19. ps - The Wall Street Journal isn't mostly in-the-tank for Wall Street globalism? Who knew?

  20. Of course not. All the best lies contain an element of truth. It makes them more believable. Putin (and his tools Rudy G, OAN) twisted the available facts to make the situation look worse. Unfortunately (for you) guilt by association isn't a convictable crime. Why Hunter's two associates were convicted and he wasn't. Sure, it might look bad for Hunter Biden, but Hunter Biden isn't running for president. Why very few give a crap about this failed October Surprise.

    btw, if there is child porn Hunter SHOULD go to prison for a long time. Still waiting on the arrest.

  21. The only twisting Mueller did was narrowly defining collusion (upping the bar to conspiracy) to let Dotard off the hook. He should have indicted.

  22. lol! The twisting is what took a team of former Clinton/DNC affiliated lawyers $40 million worth of taxpayer funds to contrive.

  23. btw - This is what REAL Russian Disinformation looks like. ;)

  24. LOL. This story about a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden being abandoned in a Delaware repair shop is total BS. And Mueller is a republican.

  25. Then why did Hunter's lawyer seek to "get it back" from the computer shop owner in DE where it was abandoned?

  26. They're the ones who said it was his. Maybe it was (at one point). So why not ask for it back to verify if he ever owned it? IF that actually happened.

  27. Shouldn't Hunter's lawyer have contacted Putin for the computer back, then? LOL!
