Saturday, October 31, 2020


  1. Jimmy Dore acknowledges that he's helping Dotard by spreading Russian disinformation. But he calls what he's doing is "telling you what happened". He forgot to add "according to Putin". LOL. I can't say I give a shit about this "injustice" done to Greenwald. Because I don't. Dore, Matte and Greenwald are the ones who were duped. And are continuing to be duped.

    Re "cuck", Dore realizes "I'm using that word a lot"... LOL. His self awareness stops short of allowing him to realize that he's a useful idiot for the trumper right. "cuck" being a word that group of people is fond of. The Intercept is better off without him. I agree with Chris Hayes. They want to "debate" their bullshit and Russian lies (get them airtime). Bravo to the Intercept for not allowing that.

  2. Unlike you, Dore is not so stupid as to believe that Putin is responsible for Hunter Biden's greed and stupidity.

  3. Hunter Biden is responsible for his own greed and stupidity. That you say I believe otherwise is another strawman. You keep setting them up and knocking them down. But I never said any such thing. fyi, Hunter Biden isn't on the ticket.

  4. btw, Dotard is responsible for the greed and stupidity of his offspring. He took FULL responsibility when he brought his stupid greedy spawn into office with him. So they could participate from the White House in the grift.

  5. All the government imposed laws and restrictions applicable to civil servants.

  6. Which they don't follow. Many of these restrictions being norms and not laws. "Civil servants"... LOL. Dotard and his spawn are there only to serve themselves.

  7. They don't follow them? What, do they set up their own private mail servers? LOL!

  8. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's private emails, texts raise security concerns. (excerpt) Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and a powerful White House aide, did not preserve all of her official emails as required by federal law, and her husband, Jared Kushner, used a messaging application to conduct U.S. business outside government channels ... Kushner's use of WhatsApp and raised questions about personal email accounts used by other former senior White House aides to discuss a proposal to transfer U.S. nuclear power technology to Saudi Arabia. [end excerpt]

  9. So then why aren't you prosecuting them? lol!
