Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Democratic Party - Masters of Voter Suppression


  1. Krystal Ball bullshit. Republicans are the masters of voter suppression. You're so good at it, I don't know why you wouldn't want to take credit. F*ck the Green Party.

  2. There's nothing democratic in the operations of the Democratic Party...

  3. There's nothing democratic in the operations of the trumper republican Autocrat Party. You'd restrict voting to land-owing White Males if you could.

    btw, voting isn't Democratic (Democrats for, republicans oppose)? Who knew? Stopping Green Party attempts to assist Dotard notwithstanding.

  4. As the Joe Biden campaign released a list of former Republicans who have endorsed the Democratic nominee for the November election, white nationalist Richard Spencer — an organizer of the Charlottesville riot and a former supporter of President Donald Trump — announced his support for Biden...

  5. It was the "Unite the Right" rally. It was in support of Dotard. That was the rally where David Duke was interviewed and voiced his strong support for Dotard. Because Dotard is a racist, while Joe Biden is the nominee because of the Black vote. Moron.

  6. And what you cut and pasted says in it that Spencer supported Dotard. The reason was that because they're both racists. The incompetence was too much, apparently. For you the racism is enough -- the incompetence doesn't bother you. In fact, you laugh at all the avoidable deaths Dotard is responsible for.

  7. Joe Biden - Choice of the White-Alt-Right!

    Face it, Dervy, your candidate has all the racists behind him.

  8. Most of the racists are sticking with Dotard. Because he is the White Power candidate. I would tell YOU to face it, but you (as a racist Dotard supporter) KNOW this. You simply lie about Joe Biden. The FACT is Joe Biden is STRONGLY supported by Black voters (making your lie a laughably absurd one).

    New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Most Americans say Trump is a racist.

    US Adults: 52 percent.
    Democrats: 86 percent.
    Independents: 56 percent.
    Black Americans: 74 percent.
    Hispanic Americans: 71 percent.

    Wall Street Journal: Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime fixer, claims his former boss routinely made sexist and racist comments and that he "loved Putin"...

  9. "Blacks can't be racist?"

    Against themselves? I think it's very rare. Those Blacks (the ones who wish they were White) might be Dotard supporters.

  10. White nationalists are racist against themselves? Who knew?

  11. No one. They aren't. I don't know wtf point you you think you're making with your nonsense comment.

  12. Just replicating your comment. No wonder it sounds so nonsensical... it came from you.

  13. I never said anything about White nationalists being racist against themselves. That was your moronic comment.

  14. You did about black nationalists. Are they programmed to only love all other races? Who programmed them, Jehovaor Elijah Mohamed?

  15. Looks like Thersites is laughing at the stupidity of The Absolute Marxist. I say you're both stupid. Given that they are both sockpuppets controlled by the same person.

  16. He's laughing (rightly) at YOU, Dervy. :)
