Saturday, September 12, 2020

Kim Klacik Rocks the House!


  1. She already lost once in her efforts to replace Elijah Cummings (to Kweisi Mfume, who now holds the seat). She is going to lose again.

  2. Maybe. But she'll swing 10,000 Baltimore City black votes to Trump, regardless.

  3. She's right to ask, "What happened to all those billions, Baltimore?"

  4. Baltimore does not receive the "billions" Trump says city government wastes, steals. President Donald Trump not only assailed U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings by claiming — without facts — that the veteran Democrat has overseen the theft and waste of federal funds awarded to his congressional district. The Republican specifically besmirched all of city government by alleging that the resignations of two recent Democratic mayors endorsed by Cummings somehow prove that Baltimore's "corrupt government" has stolen "billions" from U.S. support sent to the city.

    One problem: City Hall doesn’t get anywhere near a single billion dollars, let alone the “billions” Trump has repeatedly proclaimed. Baltimore have received roughly $8 billion over the past two years. But the vast majority has not gone to City Hall to distribute, according to the website, which is the federal government clearinghouse for spending data.

    For example, at least $3 billion has gone to the Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Medical Services Corp. and the University of Maryland for research, medical care and other programs. More than $600 million pays for vouchers and other rental and public housing subsidies, money that mostly winds up in the hands of landlords to help pay rent for low-income city residents.

    A billion of the money represents payments by the Social Security Administration to retirees and disabled people, while nearly half a billion goes to Baltimore City Public Schools as “Title I” support to provide extra services for students from poor families. About $200 million goes to nonprofit agencies that help people with HIV or AIDS. Another $100 million has gone to college students through the federal Pell Grant program to help pay tuition.

    According to Baltimore's official budget reports, the city government itself has received $380 million in federal assistance over the last two fiscal years for operating and capital expenses. The money represents federal grants sprinkled across 75 services — with the biggest amounts paying for HIV treatment services for people without health insurance, permanent housing for the homeless and reducing tobacco use by pregnant women.

    That total includes $40 million the federal government awarded as Community Development Block Grants, flexible funding that allows local governments to deliver housing renovations, economic development and recreational facilities to low-income neighborhoods. It’s a program Trump wants to eliminate. [end]

    I suspect Kim Klacik will convince few (if any) African Americans to vote for Dotard. I don't know where you get 10K from. Did she improve her take of the Black vote from the last republican who ran for that district? Even if that is the case, that doesn't mean all those people will vote for her again. Or that they will vote Dotard (a racist who lies about their city and smeared their last many times reelected representative).

  5. First you deny they got billions, then you complain about how the billions were spent. Pick a set a facts and TRY and stick with them.

  6. City Hall got $380 million in federal assistance over the last two fiscal years. They did NOT get "billions". The bulk of the money is direct federal assistance to institutions or individuals. The article doesn't complain about how money is spent. It points out where it goes. Thus proving that anyone who questions where it went (implying theft by corrupt politicians) are lying (Kim Klacik, Dotard).

  7. Institutions and/ or individuals can't be corrupt? Who knew?

  8. Dotard implied that money going to Baltimore was being stolen by corrupt Baltimore politicians. But the bulk of the billions comes DIRECTLY from the federal government. Baltimore politicians can't steal money they don't receive first to distribute. Apparently your illiteracy is preventing you from understanding that.

    btw, the individuals are poor people. You think they're faking it? Perhaps many of the people living in Kushner's rat infested apartments are actually millionaires?

  9. Perhaps the rats are millionaires. But then again. "patronage" IS the DNC's middle name. It was built on the Tammany Hall-rat model, and has never changed. Just think, this year rat-teachers in Baltimore don't even have to show up to work and they still get paid. Their students can't read or write anyways... so "distance learning" is a funny joke to them as well. No wonder Baltimore public students circle the toilet bowl in test scores...

  10. Kushner and Dotard were both Democrats, but they are corrupt republicans now. Although I could just say "republicans", as "corrupt republicans" is redundant.

  11. They weren't corrupt before, when they were Democrats? lol!

  12. They've been corrupt their entire lives. But that's because they're horrible people, not because they used to be registered as Democrats for voting purposes.

  13. But they were first "attracted" to the Democrats because, let's face it, THAT is where corruption lived then, and has ALWAYS lived since.

  14. No. It's because Dotard was born and lived his entire life in New York, a Blue state. btw, you admit that Dotard is corrupt and that you like him now because he's a corrupt republican (no question mark. I'm simply stating a fact).

  15. A blue CORRUPT state... home to Tammany Hall.
