Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Stupid Is as Stupid Does...


  1. ...although the subject of the video was Dumbo-crats.

  2. Krystal Ball = useful idiot. Dotard fired Dan Coats because he refused to change the original assessment, which clearly stated that, while Iran and China prefer Dotard not be reelected, Russia is actively meddling again. That the threats are equal is a false equivalency and not what the original assessment said.

  3. lol! Yep. That's exactly why you'll lose again in 2020.

  4. Most people have no idea who Krystal Ball is. Idiots like her and Jimmy Dore aren't going to be the deciding factor.

  5. lol! Sure they are. They are Biden's lost support, voters who won't be voting for an establishment candidate.

  6. A no vote for Joe Biden is a yes vote for Dotard Drumpf. They didn't get what they wanted so they're going to let Dotard destroy the country. Stupid IS as stupid does. Instead of some of what they want, they've decided to FIGHT for everything they don't want. Supposedly. Never Trumpers have more intellectual integrity than the "Bernie or Bust" morons.

    Adopting many of Sanders’ policy decisions makes Biden a "Bernie Bro".

  7. btw - Cameltoe is definitely Gropey Joe's kinda gal.

  8. I've seen the video in which gropey Dotard admits he sexual assaults women by grabbing their cameltoe.

    I received an email from the Dotard campaign warning of a "socialist takeover" of America lead by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. If they're Democratic Socialists like Bernie, does that mean the DNC is going to purge them? Biden isn't going to receive the Democratic nomination?

  9. Clicked your video link but didn't watch but a few seconds... left I noted that it was another video from the knit-capped douche.

  10. Lets just say that the knit capped guy agrees with me that most RNC campaign people aren't very smart.

  11. He outwitted Hillary and the RNC... at the SAME time. :)

  12. That was Putin. His puppet didn't outwit anyone.

  13. lol! Putin decided how to Make America Great Again! I say we give him honorary citizenship in return, like Lafayette.

  14. Putin's plan was to make Russia great by having his puppet destroy America. So far the plan is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams.

  15. Thanks to Democrats hiding under their beds from COVID.

  16. Thanks to Dotard giving the stand down order re the virus invasion.

  17. Trump then gave the back to work order, but the Deep State backed by Democrats in the Resistance have refused. If the war against Putin's plans has been lost, we know who's to blame.

  18. Dotard gave the order to get back to catching covid and dying or suffering lifelong health consequences. Everyone who is smart enough to know that we can't get back to work with no plan to combat the virus is refusing.

  19. lol! Over 25% of the US population had a pre-existing T-cell immunity. I'm pretty sure that I'm one of them. After all, I don't ever get flu shots or get the flu.

  20. OK. People who guess they have pre-existing T-cell immunity aren't refusing. They're eager to get back to work. People who don't (or don't know that they might) have this immunity aren't eager to get exposed to covid.
